<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> „
<br /> . t —
<br /> ' - � DEED OF TRU�T� .�r'i�A Paye 6
<br /> � 07-24-1997 (Continued) zJ� ��S�i�� _
<br /> Loan No 601481 S �__
<br /> RIQHYB ANQ REMEDIEmor�olEh1 fp owlnp r�lyh�a dCrorm�d es,f In iddllionf to Q y dher r qhts or remedlenrp�otvid dr by�aw: Lender,at Its optlon, _�
<br /> m�y ox�rClao�ny one o
<br /> Acc�l�r�tlon upon Def�ult Addlllon�i R�m�dl�s. If any�vonl af dofouil xcas as per the tarms of the Nole aacurad hereby,Len er may '
<br /> deciar�t11 Indobtedneas sacurod by Ihls D�d of 1'rust to bs due and payable end the same shali thereupon becom�due and ptY�ble without
<br /> any prerAntment,d�mand,prolest a nol��of any klnd. Th�nafter,Londer msy:
<br /> rY,pa di`to IhY idYquiCy 01 Its9NCUrity�nt�r upontantl ulki possasslon ol t o eope y,of r any pn e►+ereoipn�useowny ama�or I�n he Iname
<br /> ol t ra P oparty or�ntere�l In lh�roperty;I►�crws�►�e Incomarf olm lho P opertyhor Proteat the s cui Iry ot Ih�tPbopsAYttand,w tl h or wlthout ,
<br /> t4klnp passasslon o1 th1 PropertY�we lor a othorwip cWlect the renle, Issues and profits ol tha Properly,Includiny those past due and ,
<br /> unpald,�nd epplY Ihe aoma,less costs tnd expenses of operallon end coGaction,Includinp attorneys'fees,to�ny Indebtedness secured
<br /> of suah�rYn d,�lssuestan'd profits,and the ppllcntion ihereot shsll not curetawaive any detaun or not cesol detwit under th�fs Deed of Trust -
<br /> • poasoas onteol the Pro�periy�arthe cd�ection,recelPlu4�dr PPlication of enls,ltssues'oreprofits,Trustee Iorsl�e d'er�shailcbe lenatled to -
<br /> exerciso overy ripht provided for in the Note or the Roiated Documents a aY�W upon the occurrence of any event of default,Includlnq ttw
<br /> rlyht to exerclse the power of ule; •>�
<br /> ' (b) Commence�n acllon ta foreclose this Deed of Trust as a martgaya,eppolnt a recelver or speciticaliy enforce any of the corenaMs _
<br /> hereot;end
<br /> '}::�,::•�-
<br /> (c) De��ver lo Trustee t written doclarntlon of default and demand for sale and a written notice of detault and eleclion to cause 7ru51or's , �T
<br /> Intarest In the Property to be cold,wtdch notice Truslee shall ciuse to be duly tled tor recad In the app�oprinte oHiCes ot Ihe County In
<br /> which Ihe Property Is locatod;and . -�
<br /> ,���
<br /> �d� Witry rospect to all or any part o(the Personal Prqperty.Lender ShAll have ell the rlqhl5 end remedlos of e secured perty under a : ,. '�
<br /> ' Nebraska UNform Commerclal Code. ���'�"� .
<br /> '..t.;,-.'•
<br /> shal�l deposP with T ustoe thb Deed ot trust�and th��Nota and such�r�ecelptafiR d e denceaal expenditures mflde t d secu�red y hl9 Deednot � , :
<br /> tTrost as Trustee mty requ lr o.
<br /> , (a) Upon recelpt ot such noUce trom Lender.Trustoe shsU cause lo be recaded,publlshed and delivered to Trusta such Notice of De fa u l t
<br /> and Notic�ol Salo as IMn requlrod by law and by ihls Dead of Trust. Trustee shatl,wilhout demand on Trustor,4ttor such Qme as rrµY
<br /> �, Ihen ba requlred ty law tnd tftar rocadatlon ot such Not�e of Da(�ult and nRer Notice of Sale h4vinfl been qiven�s raquirad by law,sell w -L-
<br /> the Propariy�t the tlrtN and piaco ot�a10 Nxed by It In euch Notke of Sale,elther as a whole,a In separat�lob or parcels or Items as
<br /> Truste�sFu1i deem wc�a�f lhe Bmena ule.�s�e c�I dUvrw to s�uch Purchaser�a purc�so9rshthereo f b p o o d tn d sutNd�nmdeed or E ;
<br /> tha United States pay :',�` � •
<br /> � deads conveylny the property so scld,but wl thou l tny cov e n a n l o r w u r e n ry,w x p r e s s o r I m p l l e d. T h e r e cital�In suCh dead of any mattars M V ,�J
<br /> r...
<br /> �������gh,gi�a�2nr_.lualve oto0t of the hllthlulneSS 1h6�eDf. Any p6rson,Inciudiny without Ilmltation Trustor,TfuSt99,or Len der, mlty .{��� c
<br /> purchase at euch saF�. t'�'`•� ���
<br /> A I�e In conryieCtion wlih ule,T ustee Sha�aplly t�plpoo��t��N i p��ent otr(q elei sums expe dred undKthe t ms of thls Deed of
<br /> �,�;z:' f;�c.,�
<br /> '.���}��
<br /> Trust a unGr the terms of the Not�not then rea�ld,Includlnp but not IIrtYIW to iccrued Intwasl tnd late chupss� pl)all otMr sums then �•_
<br /> ';� secured hsroby,�nd (�)the remtlnder�If any,to ih�psrson or parsons IYptlly entitled thereto. � ;�;•
<br /> (c) Trusteo rtwy In the mannor proWdnd by�W P�►Po�s��o of all a any Dortion of tha Property. �
<br /> �..
<br /> R�mcdtc:.l:at E:cltt!IVe, Tr�ia�ee and lander,and�ch of them,ehall ho entiued to entorce ptyment and perfamanca o!any Ind�btednoss ��:
<br /> 2� RelabedaDOCUme ts,o bunder any other pr�onl or any laws�ow or Iwrea�erin�lorce no ilhstandinqt oma or�II of auCh ndabt d'nvss t -
<br /> °i and obllqalfons secured by this Daed of Truat rruy now or horoattx be othenvise aecured,whether by mortpa9�,d�ed of trust,pNd�,Aen� ��
<br /> nssipnment or otherwise. Neithnr the tccaptance of thls Deed of Trust na Its enlorcement,whether by courl�ction or purstwn�to ttN pow�r ol _
<br /> �,, sata or other powers contdned In thls 09ed of Trust,shall prajudlCe a In �ny manner atlect Trustee's a Lender's dpht to rsWzo upon a �°"�
<br /> � II beup ayrced that Trustee�nd Lender�and woh M 1tNm�thak b� �`��
<br /> enforce any other socu�ity now a hnraafter�wld by Trustao or Lendar, ��
<br /> � ontitlad to eniorc�this Deed of 7NSt and any other s�curity now or Iwroattor Iqid by Lender or Trusiee In suah adar tnd mt�nK�s�heY a
<br /> � elther o(them m�y In theU absdute dlscntlon dot�r m ine. No re m e d y c onferred u pon a reserved lo Trustee a l.�nder�
<br /> q Intonded to be
<br /> �1 6xClusive ot 4ny othejve I��3 Da�od of T ust orr notw orbharufte rexlsUny ataw o�n quity or byhstat e�Every pow�r a errNdy q ve�11bY the .--
<br /> every other remedy p
<br /> �' Note or any ot the Related Documenb to Trustoe a Un dor a t o w h�h N t h e r ot them ma y he othorwise endH�d, maY ba exe�c�sed. _-__=
<br /> concurrsntiy or Independenlly,Irom time to Uma and as ofton as may be dwmed expedlent by Trustee or Lendsr,and ellher of tlwm mRy _
<br /> pursue Inconsistent remedes. Nothlny In thls Deed of Trust shau be consVUed fls prohlbitlnp Lender from s�iicinq a deNClancY l�d9rr�nt
<br /> '# apnln�t the Yrusta to the ezlent suah�ction Is pe�mltted by I�w. ��any Notice of Defwil�nd a copy of any Nodce � .
<br /> -:.,.�x.s�.
<br /> ,... Request for Notice. Truslor,on behal}of Trusta and Lender,hereby reques�th�t n copy _
<br /> .;�;�, ot Sale under thls Deed ol Trust be mailod to tham at lhe addresses sot foAh In Ihe flr6t parnyreph of thls Deed ot Trust. _y__
<br /> � °•�' Watver,Electlon of Rsnkdtes. A waiver by any perly of a broech ot e provisfon of thls Doed o�Trust shall not consUtul�a wdver of a ���,.— ���
<br /> ��" preJudice ihe perly's righte othenvlse to demsnd stdct compllance with Ihat provlsion or eny othar prov�slon, Eleclbn by Lend�r to pursus�ny ��
<br /> remedy provida.In this Daed ol Trust,ttw Note,In any Reiated Document. a provlded by law shaA nof exclude pursult of any other rertwdy� ���.� ,�
<br /> •}•'�•'-.�•T',t
<br /> and an oiactlon to make expandiluros or�o teka tCtion to perform tn obllpaVan of Tnista w Borrower under this DYOd of Trust attar lallura of I{`,�•- :; ,_
<br /> Trustor or Borrower to peAam�hall npt�Neot Lende�s ripht to declue a defau�and to exercise any of Its remadies.
<br /> Attomeya'Kaas;Expenaea. If Lender Inslltutes�ny 6ult or acllon to enlorc��ny ol the terms of thls Deed of Trust,Londer shall b�antilied to
<br /> recover suoh 6um ns the court mny adJudpa ro�samble�s altaneys'�aes i�trial tnd on any appeal. Whether or not�ny court actlon 13
<br /> Involvvd,ali reesonable expenses incurrod by Lender whbh In Lende�'s opinlon are neco�sary at any tlme fa Iho protectlon of its Interast or lhe
<br /> enforcement o(Ils riphts sha11 becorrN a ptrt of tM Indebtedness payabb on demond and shall bear Intarost at th�Note r41e Irom tha d�to ot
<br /> exponditurv untY repaid. Exponsas covxid by thls puapreph Inciuda,witi�out Iimitation,however subJect to nny Ilmi�a7tde��PP�b��W� ;:,-y
<br /> Lander's adorneys'ta�s whuther or not thara Ia a Iawauil,Inciudinp attaneys'fees Ior b�nkruptoY proce6dinps(Inclu�ing aMOrta to modily a ;, ;,
<br /> '� vaceto any eutomntic stay or InJunctlon), appeals and any anUClpated posl-Judymnrtit•c�lloctlon services, the cmt ot searchlnp records, ;•;.,
<br /> � ob4lninp lilie rtpotts(Includiny forYCiosure reparts),eurv6yo�s'reports,apWal�al(ees,tllio IrlSUrancA,end fees fQ►tne 7rustee,to the extent
<br /> i
<br /> pormfttod by eppifcable law. TiLstor also wlll pay any court costs,In addluon to ati othar sums provtded by�aw. �
<br />- Rlphts of Truales. Trusteo shau have all of the dohts and dutles ol Lender asset lorth In Ihls sect on.
<br /> ppWFAB AND OBI.IGATIONS OF TRUSTEH. The Ioliowlnfl provisluns rel41in0�o the powers and obii9atlons oi Trustee ere part of thls Deed of I
<br /> Trust.
<br /> . __,�..,....,....,�r.�m�m nridna at a matter d lew,Trustee shall have the power to take the tollowinp aclions I
<br /> POWlfi OT IrYS[ee. ifl 6v'u'iav��:...��p......��.. ..-----—- ' . - --.-
<br /> with respoct to the Proporly upon the wrltlon request of Lender and�frustc>r:(a) Joln In prepanny and twnq a map a piai ui i�w:,�:�:�.�,��;�
<br />. Includfnq the dedicallon ol sireets or other riyhts to the publb; (b)Joln In pra�n�any easemont or creatinp any restdcdon on the Real Property; �
<br /> - end (c)Joln In any subordlnation or other apreement aHectinp lhis Deed of Trust or Ihe inlerest ot Lender under thls Deed of Trust. '
<br /> Trustee. Truslpe shall meet eIl quellllcations requlred fOr Trustee under epp�cable law. In addition to the rights and remedles set forth above, I
<br />= v.�th rG��C�t tC s!!Cr=nY Re�a��he Property,lhe Truste9 shall havo the rtphl lo foreClose by noUCe end sBlg,and Lender Shali have the riyht lo -
<br /> toroclose by�udiclal foreclosure,In ellher case In nCCadanCe with�nd to Ihe lun exient provitidJ uy rNp��cab:n�.:...
<br /> Suocessor Truatee. Lender,fll Lender's option,may Irom time to time appo�t e sucCessor 7ruslee to any Trustee uppointed hereunder by nn
<br /> Inslrument executed and tcknowledped by Lender ind raCOrded In thi office ot lne recorder of HALL Couny,Nebraske. The Instrument shtll
<br /> contein,In add�lion to ail other matlers raqulred by stote kw,the namos Ol lhe oriqinal Lender,Truslee,and 1'rusta',the book and paqe(or
<br /> computer systam relerence)where Ihis Deed of 7ru51 Is recaded,and Ihe name and address ol lhe successor Irusloe,and the Inslrument shell
<br /> be exocuted and ncknowlodyod by all the benafic�arle�under tho Deed oi T�ust or their successors In Interest. The ouCCessor trustoe,w�lhoul
<br /> conveynnC6 of th�Propedy,shall suCCGYd to all ihe htl9,power,end dulles tonfened upan the Trust@e In Ihls D69d of Trust and by sppllCBble
<br /> law, Thls procedure lor substilutlon of(rust6a shYll povY�n to the YxClui�on d��l otner provlsions tor subsliiudo�.
<br />� NOTICE5 TO TRUSTOFi AND OTHER PARTIES. Any nolic�under this Deod a1 Trust shali be In wrilinp,may be be sent by teleltcs�mllle,nnd sh�ll
<br /> -
<br />