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...:- � . <br /> _ _ :. ,. <br /> � - <br /> OEED OF TRUST• . ,�., , p���3 — <br /> � 07-24-1997 (Continued) �' �� �1 �7� 1���2� .. <br /> � Lom No 6014618 — -- <br /> � S6t loith lbovY In Ihls SYCllon,wh�ch from Iho chirscl8►o�d use of Ihe F'�ope�t�go^ably necessary to protect tnd proservo IhY Proporty `- <br /> I DUE ON BALE—CONSENT BY LENDBR. L�ndfr may,ae Itb opUOn, doclaro Immedlately due and puy»b��all sums seoured by thl��e�d ol Trusl i_ <br /> upon th�6ala or tr�nsl�r,without lh�Lend��prior writqn cons�nl,o}�II or any pirl ol Ihe Roal Froporiy.or any Intensl In IhY Retl Property. A ' <br /> � o al voluntpry;whpthor by o/flhl sal��tlaod,Im1�rrwnl sab conlnct�I It d'conetracl,eontraCt for dBedal�858hoI d into 63t IWI hI Y erm q eater Ihnn =_ <br /> ; IhrN(3)years,liASC►-op��on conlr�C�,a by ui�,�sslpnm�n►,o��^i�?�g,°f���^y 7 uslor�lsla crorporaconppartnershlp atllm�ted�l�biety comp��Y <br /> -op <br /> ProportY,or by any other mothod ol Conv�yanco of Roal Pmporty <br /> Iranslor also InCludYS any chan9��n ow+wr�h�P ol mc�o Ihan hvcnty�tive percent(2b'�.)ot Ihe votlr,q stock,pertnersh�p Intere5ts or Ilmlted 1lablllly <br /> � camp�ny Ini�nsb,as tM Gse m�y b�,of Trustor. How�vw,thls opttan tHYll nol ba oxerc�sed by Lentler it such ex�rcise�s prohlbllod by fodcrnl <br /> law Or by Nebraske law• <br /> ' TAXES AHO LIENS. The fdlowlnfl proNSlons reltUny to Ihv axas�nd Ilens on lhe Prope�iy are a part of Ihls Deed ol Trus1. <br /> 1 Payment. Trustor snan pay wtwn dw(and In all ovenls prla to dennquoncy)all texes,spec�a►�ehen�dueeall claln s forwork�done�on a for ; <br /> and sewer),8nes tnd Imposillons levled Rfltlnst a p� T u�1a shtll maPnti n�he P operty hee of all Ilens havinp prlority over or equal ta the <br /> I sorv�es randered a mdteritl turnlshad to ltw Propwty <br /> ' Int�rest ol Lender under tnia Daad ol Trust,oxcopt ta tha Ilcin of taxes and�ssessments nat due and oxcept ns oth�rwlso provld�d In Ihls D�ad <br /> 1 0�T��g�. . <br /> � Rlyht To Contsit. 7rustor may wllhhdd p�►yrn��t o}any tax,tssassrrwnt,or clalm In connectlon wllh a yood I�Ith dlspute owr th�oblly�Uon , ,�� <br /> i to pay,so lan{y aa l�nd�r's InlKOSt In tlw PropY�ty Is �a I�oD�d�• ������rlses or Is filod as a result of nonptyment,Trusta shall wllhln — <br /> � tittoen(16)daya atlsr the iien arlses or,If a Ilen Is fued,wltF�ln fifteen(16)dttys attor Trustor has notice of Ihe tiilne,secure the dlscharpe ot the -- <br /> lien,or If requestod by Lander,daposlt wlth Lend�r cuh or t suffiClant corporate surety bond or othflr soGUrily sallsfactory lo Lender In en <br /> ' Iamount surrc�ent lo dlsChary�tho Ilen plus any costs and a�tunays'faas or other charpes thnt cou�d accrue as a result ol e laeclosure or sele _ <br /> � under tha Iian. In tny comast,Trustos�hall dofond ItaNf and Londar�nd sht�l salisy any adversv Judpmenl beta�enlorcertwM�ya�nst Ihe '�y��__----- <br /> Pro perty, Trustor sha11 name Lende►as�n addlUanU obYpw undar any suroty bond lurnlshed In the contast proceedlnps. ' <br /> � Evldena ot Payment. Trusta shall upon demand furNsh to Lender sallsfactory evldence of ptyment of the taxes or sssessroenls and shall - <br /> ` authorlse the approprfate povernrtwntal oNicltl to detiva to Lendw�t any tlme a wrltlen slalement ot the texes and assessmenis tpalnst the <br /> Property. • <br /> S; Notic�of Constructlon. 7rustor stu�u notlty Landw at I�st f�floen(tb)days be'ore any wwk Is commenced,any seMces are furnlshed,or ony <br /> mcterlals are rupplled to the Property,i� anY mechenb's Iqn, mitYrlalmen's Ilen, or other IIYn could be ass�t�d on�CCOUnt of th6 wak, . <br /> serv�es,or materials. Trusta wlll upon raquesl 01 Lender furnlsh to Lendor advance sssurances satlstactory to Lender thal Trustor can and wllt . <br /> pay the cost of such Improvements. ' <br /> � PROPERTY DAMA(iE INSURANCE. Tna tdlowlnp provlslons rekAnp to Insurinp lhe Properry are e part of thls Deed of Trust. _ <br /> � � M�Intt�nc�of In�uqnC�. Trustor sh�ll prxura�nd ma1n41n pollclas of fire Insurance w��hln an a oun sudflicla 1 to avdd�ppllca on of any .,�' <br /> ,� r�pkcern�nt basls lor ttN tull Insur�bN valw cov�rinp�1 Improvaitwnb on th�Rpl ProportY ' <br /> � II bllltyr n u•anCe In�SUCh Covetflfl amou ts as Lo der maY nQuest wlth Vust��dtLnnd II bolnq n�med as iddltlonal Insu pwfs In euch Ikblllty ; _ <br /> �;.: <br /> .. <br /> ` tnsurance paicivs• Fd�ii;ans;;y,Ts�la s •� llLntaln auch ottwt InsUf8t1CY,�nc�udirp bul not Ilmlted lo husrd,bus�ness�ntorruptlon,�nd <br /> boller Insurarx:e,as Lendar maY reesonlbly requU�. PoUclq snaN 1�wrllten In form,tmounts,coverapes and'oasis r�sOrsz�";:�F��!Q ;:_� <br /> Lendet and issued by a company or CampaNes rwsorubty�CCeptabb to Londet. Trustor,upon request of Lendor,wlu dal�wr to Londer hom <br /> tlme to Ilme thr�pal�les or corllflcatas ol insurar►ca In lam uGsfaCtory to Lender,Includinp stlpulaUons that cuvw�pes wAI nol b�ctrx�elled or ;.;` <br /> rt <br /> diminlshed wlthout at least tsn(10)days'p�w wrttlen noltco lo Lendor. Each fnsuranCe polby also shall Inctude an�ndorsement provldinq lhat � <br /> �, <br /> . coveraqe In fava ot Lender wiA not be Imptked In�ny way by any aCt,omisslonmentBApency as a specla�Qood ha�rd u�a��s1a�fl�ts to • <br /> , Ix4ted In an area deslpnated by the Olractor ot ttw F«bral EmaryancY Mana7e Ilm� <br /> ' obttfn nnd malntnln Faderal Flaod�nsuranco tcr ttw fuu unpUd princ�pal balance of laan,up to the maxlmum pollay b set undtr lh�Nallonal �� <br /> Flood Insurance Proprtm,or as olharwlse requked by Lond�r,and to malntaln such Insurance tor the term of the Iwn. ; � <br /> Apptic�tlon of Procaedi. Trusta ahall prompny notlty LanWr ot any ioss or damaye lo li�e Pruperiy. Lend:.c rttry m�.4o P�QQ�Qt le:e!f Trustor �,� <br /> :, falls to do so wlthln fiHOen(16)d�ys of Ihe casualty. Wlatha�or not Landar's socurlty Is Impalred,Londar may,at Ib Noctlon,rocatvo and rokln . <br /> , the procoeds of any Insuranco and apply ita proCOeds to th1 reducdon of the Indebtodness,payment of any Ilen�1f�cUnp ttw Prop�rtY,a the �'+�� <br /> , � rastoratlon and ropalr of thi Prope�'ty. If Lendor slacb to�pply tM prxwds to restorallon and reptlr, Trusta thall rapdr or rspiaq the ��Yr <br /> d4mayid or destroyod Improvertwnts In a manrwr saUSfaclory to Londor. Lendar shall,upon satlsfactory proof of such e�n�lture,p�y or _, <br /> � � ' rNmburaa Trusta�rom tM proca�ds fa the r�asonabb cost of ripalr or rostaatlan It Trusta Is not In detault und�r thls Dwd of Trust. Any � <br /> k• proceoAs whloh hevo not be�n dlsburssd wllhln 180 d�ys�A�r thWr r�lpt and wh�h Lender has not commlRad to lh�npalr or natonUon of <br /> t the Propsrty sho l l b�usa d Brs t t o p a y a n y a m o unt owl r p to Lindx under thls Deed ot Trust,then to pay accrued Interest,�nd th�nmalncNr,If <br /> any,shall bo applWd to ttw princlpal batanco of thY Indebtedness• If Lender holds eny prxeeds after peyment In fuu ot the In d s b t e dnass,s u c h `��, <br /> � proceods shQtt be pnld to Trustor as Trustor's Interosb may oPpeu• ' — <br /> ,. � � ��;:: <br /> Unexplred Inwnnc��t Sale. Any urwxt�lred Insuran�sh�l1 Inuro to ttw b¢ne(�t of,and pass to,the purchaser ot tlw Propert;cowred by thls �h;:, <br /> Deed ot T�ust al Qny trustee's sale or olher�ale held undar Ihe provlslons of thls Ooad ot Trust,or at any tcreclosun eaW of such Property �c.,`i=�_ <br /> � Tructor's RepoA on Inwrance. Upon request ol lendor,howover not mora than once p year,Trustor shall IurNsh to Lender a report on each : f,—� <br />- � � extstlny pollcy of Insur�nc�ahowlny: (a)the nartN of lhe Insurer, (b)the risks insured; (c)the amouni of tha pdby; (d)!ho property Inaurpd, .r,�;��F <br /> • �I the then current replacemont value of such property,Qnd Ihe manner of detormining that value;and (e)lhe�xpinflon dtte of th�pollcy. - c <br /> ,� f Trustor shall, upon roquest ot Lender,hava an Independenl tppralser satlsfactory to Le��der determine the cash vdue roplacert►ent cost of the <br /> - . � Properly, r"�;�'+�.�°�'%'h+„ <br /> �.,� TAX ANO INSURANCE RESERVES. Sub�ect to any Ilmltallons set by appucable law,Lender may requlre Trustor to melntaln wllh Lender r e s e r v e s ;; :y�Y,�.i�,��� <br />' �•';� ta payment ot annu�l taxes,assessman t s,en d Insuronca p r o m l u m s,w h�h r e s o rv e s shall be created by advence payrtNnt or monlhly paymenls ot a �-..t.,M.; .1,':,,;^A�*° <br /> . • r I num yUmaled Dy Lendar to ba sufficlent to produCY�mounts tl least�qual to the taxes,asseuments,and Inswana premlums to be p��d. Tho . , ; <br /> resarve funds ehall be Fwld by Lender as n penaral doposlt from Trustor,whlch Lender may satlsly by payment ot th� ta�ces��ssossmonts,and �, ;,:� <br /> Insurance premlums requlred to be pald by Trustor a�thoy beCOmo dw. Landor shall h4ve iha dyht to draw upon tlw r�rve funds to pay euch <br /> #; Items,and Lender ehtll not tre requlred to delermine the valtdlty or uxuraCy of any Item belore poylny It. Nolhlnp In the Deed ot Trust sh�ll be , <br /> consUuod�s requldnq Londer to advance othe�monlea fa tuch purposvs,and Lender shall not Incur any Ilabillry tor�nythlrp ft may do ot omlt to <br /> do wlth respect to tM reserve account. AII amounts In tha roswve+exount are hereby pledyed to further secure tt»Ind�blWrwss,tnd Lender Is <br /> heroby authorized to wlthdraw end apply such amounts on tha Indvbtadiwss upan the occurrence of on Evenl ot Default. Lender shall not be . „ <br /> requlred to pay any Inlerest or earnlnfls on the reseroe t�nds unless requlred by law or ayreed to by Lender in wrltlnp. Lender does not nold the <br /> reserve lunds In trust tor Trustor,end 4ender Is not Ttustor's a�enl for payment of the laxes and assessments requlred to be pald by Trustor. <br /> �tPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor falls to Comply wilh any provlslon of thls Deed of Trust,or If eny actlon or proceedlnp Is commencad thet I; <br /> would materlally aHOCt Lender's Inlerests In t�e Property.LondK on Trustor's behalf may,but shall not be requlred to,take tny actlon th4t Londer � <br /> ' doemf�pproprl�to. Any nmount th8t Lender expends In sa delrp wlll benr Interest ut 1he rete p�ovltled for in the NOte trom the dnte InCUtred or pald � <br /> by Lvnder to the date ot repayment by Trustor. AII�uch expanses,at Landar's opllon,wlll (a)be payable on demand, (b)bo added to the bal�nce <br /> , � ot the Note and be apportloned amonq end be payable wllh any Installment paymonts to become due during ellher (I)the term ot ony flppllctble � <br /> insurancw nol�v or (Iq tha rem�lnlny tsrm of ttw Noto,or (c) be treated as a balloon payment whlch wi�1 be�hee�n�diuonboPanv o�har rfahts a a v _ <br /> ThfS D69d Of TtUSt tISO W��I sOCUre p8yment Of these amounis. ins�pniy N�irviCbv'�v'r��.:`�i�:��i•��•�•-•�—•-- � • <br /> remedles to wh�n Lendcr may be entltlod on accounl of t1�delnult. Any such acUon by Londer shall not be conslrued es curl�y the delault so as to �I <br /> bar Lender from any remedy that It othervvlse would h8ve tud- <br /> WARRANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fdlowlnp prOv151ons rel�llnp to ownershlp of the Ptoperty flre e p8rt of this Oeed Of Trust. I <br /> Tllle. Truslor warrants thal: (a)Trustor holds poed tnd mtricetabl¢tllle of record to the Property In lee slmple,Iroe�nd Clear Of all Ilens and <br />— e�wwiiu�au�ua uihBr tha�t 1h058 58t 10tth Ift th6 f�G�t PtCN��'�===''F•"•"-"^-`�"°"Y�i°°�^°OfAnra r+nur.v.��ua repcxl.or Nnal t111e oalnlon Issued In � <br /> fav�r of,and flCCepted by,Lender In connectlon wfth Ihls Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the tull rlyht,power,and�uthaity to execule and I <br /> dalfver thls Deed o�Trust to Lerder. I, <br /> Defense of Tltle. SubJoct to Ihe exceptlon In the paregraph above,Trustor werrunts and will torever delend Ihe hlle to Ihe Property agalnst the i <br /> Inwtul cla�ma ol ell persons. In the event ttny ectlon or proceeding Is con�menced thal queslions Trustor's tllle 0►the Inlerest of Trustee or ; <br /> Lender under Ihls Oeed ot 7rust,Trustor shall delend Iha�CUOn at Truslor's e�cpense. Trustor may be the nominal ptrty In suCh prOCbedi�p.but i <br /> Lender shalt be enulled to part�c�pate In Ihe prpceedlnfl�nd lo be represented In the procesd�nq by counsel of Lentler'S own cho�e,and r <br /> i Trustor will deliver,or cause to be dellvered,to Lendir such Inslruments as Lender may requesl from timo to ume lo permlt such p�rtlClpnUOn. , <br /> i <br /> -` <br /> i _ —'t _ _ <br />