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�, i c <br />�, ;�� x <br />�',':o:' w. S� �.�� � �.� - <br />20120439�, <br />The toUowing addende to tha Mortgage shall be incwrporated inM, and recorded withh, the Mortgage. The term <br />"Mortgage° sheA be deerned to include "Deed of Trust," iF apPl&�ble. <br />THIS TAX EXEMPT FINANCING RIpER is m�e tlre date set fwth �Iow artd is im�rparated hito and shaA be <br />deemed to am�d and supplaneM the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or S�urily Deed ('Securityy Ir�strum� of the sffine date <br />ghren by tF� und�rsigned (°Borrowe� to aecure Borrawer's Note ("Note°) b F��t Mort�aee Comnany LLC <br />(°Lendar'� of tlie same date and <br />co�rerir�g the properly d�cribed fi the Secu�ty Irtstrumer� and loca�ed at ths property and �dress described as f�aaas: <br />Address: 628 MacArthnr Avenue Grand Island, NE 6�01 <br />In �ldiHon to the c�enants and �re�ner�ta mede in H�e SecurHy Instrum�t, Borroxrer and Lender (uRh� <br />coaeenard and egrae to a�n�d Par�g►aph 9 of the Mod� Mortgege Form, eMitied °Grour�ds tor Acc�leration of D�t,° by <br />addfng addidonal grour�ds for accelera8� � idlows: <br />Londe�, cr suzl� ot its succ�ssors or assig� ag may by separete instrument �sume responsibUfty for assurfig <br />c�mmpUanc� by the Borra�er wfth the proNsbns of this Taz Exempt Financing R�er, mey requfre fmmediate payment in fuil <br />of eU sums secured by th� Securily Instrument ff: <br />FORM E-1 <br />FHA AND HUD MORTGAGE ADDENDUM ' <br />(a) All or part oi ths Prope►iy is sotd or othervrise hansfer�ed by Borrow�er to a purcheaer or other <br />transieree: <br />(� Who cannot reaaoneby t� e�ected to occupy the properly as a principal Residence within a <br />r�sonable time after the sale or transfer, all � provided in SecUon 143(c) and m(2) af the <br />Irdemal Revenue Co�; or <br />(Uj Who has had a present wmerahip iMerest in a principal Residence during arry pert oi the <br />thre�y�r pe�iod ending an the dete of the sele or transter, all � provided in Section 143(� <br />artd (Q(2) of the Intemal Re�ue Code (�ccept that °100 percer►t" shell ba sui�tituted for °95 <br />percer�t or more° where tlie latter eppears in Sectfon 143(�(1))� or <br />(Iiq At an acquisitlon cost which is gr�ter than 90 percerd oF the av�age are�a purohasa price <br />(great� th� 110 perc�nt for Residenras in targebed ar�), al� ae Pra�ided in Section 143(e) <br />and (q(2) of tha Irrtemai Revenue Code; ar <br />(i� Who F�as gr�s famfy inc�me in �s oT the applicabte pe�centage oi epplicabie medien <br />family incane es provided in Sectian 143(� and () (2) of Ure IMemal Revenue Code; or <br />(b) Borrawer faGs to occupy tlie Proparly descn'bed in the Security Instrument without prior rr�ritten co�ent <br />of Lender or Ms suCC�sas or �signs described at the beginning af this Tea E�a�npt Financh�g R�er, <br />or <br />(c) Borrower ani� or mis�epresents a f�t that is meterial with respect to the provblons of Section 143 of <br />the Intemal Reven� Code in an epplh�tlon i� the loan secured by this Security I�Uument. <br />ReFeren�s are to the Intemal Rerenue Code ag am�ded and in eitect on the date of issuance of bonds, the <br />proceeds of which wiA tre used to finance the Security Instrument artd ere de�ned W include tha impl�ing <br />regu�ations. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borra�er acc�pts and eg�ees to the tenns artd prwrisions in th� Te�c Exernpt Financir►8 <br />Rider. � <br />e w . <br />B�R� Vernon L Lieb <br />May 25, 2012 <br />Date <br />Kathleen A <br />Mav 25, 2012 <br />Date <br />Non-Purchasing Spouse Data <br />t�.cv �isn i) o� isoss IYIFA 1VIItBJF'ORM E-1 <br />(10/08) <br />G01'O(�7c9@0) <br />