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05/30/2012 6iTSD 15:45 FAX 402 471 4429 UCC SECRETARY OF STATE -+y� 8a11 <br />\;� <br />201204308 <br />� <br />�oo2/oa3 <br />;,�,�,�� State Tax Lien Statement of Termination or <br />�E"�`E�I�E Certificate of Partial Release or <br />yxww...wmu.:n�.aa� <br />Subordination <br />u,� <br />Pursua�t to the revenue laws of the Shate af Nebraska, nottce ts hereby <br />given that the State Tax Lien which has been duly flled by the Nebraska <br />Deparbnent of Revenue agafnst the below-named taxpayer, is <br />terminated, partfally released, or subordlnated to the extent indicated <br />below. <br />38826224 <br />32900118 <br />Uen flled with Regtster of Daeds <br />BUSINESS H14N1E AND LOCATfON ADDRESS <br />XXX-XX-1779 <br />01f28/2004 `p� ' HALL <br />TAXPAYER NAIVIE AND MAILING ADDRESS <br />DIAZ/RUBEN <br />2617 S 53RD <br />UNCOLN NE 68506 <br />I TyPe of Acdon --- •�r ........ <br />� TERMIAIATION OF TAX LIEN. The State Tex Lien is hereby fuUy terminated UCC Instrume� Numbe�� O!{.3 I S�3�r S <br />TAX YEARS .�QOD County Irtswment Number a� �� <br />(corporate, individua) lneome, and withholding 1ax only) ConUnuancs: UCC Instrument Number <br />Contlnuance: County Inshument Number <br />� PARTIAL RELFJISE. The State Tax Li� is pazdal{y refeasad as fatlonvs: UCC instrument Number <br />TAX YEARS Couniy Instniment Number <br />(corporate, individual Income, artd withhotd(ng tax only) <br />� SUBORDtNATION. The State Tax Lien is subord'mated as faUows. UCC Instrumerit Wumbe� <br />Counly Ir►sWment Number <br />1 reby c�tif�+ that the Nebraska Departrnem o Revenue has camplied with �e reven� taws o State ska in <br />determinatron of the terminatlon, parbal ►�dea�, oc subadination [ndic�ted above. <br />sign ��/l.{. �� Revenue Agerrt S�,.5 I� ,1402�71-5928 <br />here P�� s s gnature Tine te Ye��ona Nwnbar <br />£ E Ut D ,C. 7.5�. ! z-- <br />'zed Signature TiUe Date <br />4•232-BB Rer. �96 Supersedas 4-7d2-68 Rae 1a8b <br />i, <br />; <br />� <br />� <br />