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2012041�� <br />Parcel ID Number. 400187329 <br />200 E. Airport Road <br />Grand Island <br />("Propert�y Address"): <br />which currenUy has the address of <br />(Street) <br />(City} Nebraska 68803 (Zip Code) <br />TOGETHER VdITH all the u�rovements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part di the property. All replacements anai additions shall also be <br />c•.overed by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referre�i to m Wis Sec�urity Instruzasnt as the <br />"Property " Borrower undarstands and agreas that MERS holds onry iegal dtle to the interest granted by Borrower <br />m this Se�urity Instrume�t, but, if ne�essary to comply with iaw or custom, MERS (as nomince for Lender and <br />Lender's successors and assigns) has the right to exerc�se any or all af those interests, including, but not limited <br />to, the right to foreclose and sell the Properry; and to ta�ce any action required of Lencler u►cluding, but not <br />limit�ed w, reteasing and canceling this Security Instntment. <br />BORROWER COVEIdANTS that Borrower is 1awPully sei� of the estate hereby conveyed and has the nght to <br />grant and convey Wa Property and tt�at tiie Property �s unencumbere�i, exc�pt for encumbrancss of record. <br />Borrower warcants and will defentt generally the title to the Property agav�st all otairns and demands, subject to <br />any encumbrance� o£ record. <br />THIS SECCJRTTY INSTRUMENT combines uniform c�venants for nakiona� �e and non-�niform <br />covenants with limited variations by jurisdicrion to constitute a uniform security mstiwnent covering reai <br />property. <br />Untfotm Covertants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Paytnent of Princlpal, Intenest, Escrow ttems, PrepaYme�t Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br />shall pay when due the princigal o� and int�est oq the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br />a�azg�s and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall atso pay funds for Escrow Items pursuaot to <br />�ction 3. Payments due under the Nate and this Security Instrucnent shall be made in U. S. currency. <br />However, if any check or other instrwnent r�eived by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security <br />Inshvment is rehu�netl to Lender unpaid. Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due unci� <br />the Nate and tt►is Security Inst�ument be made u� one or r�re of the fallowiag forms, as sol� by Lender: <br />(a) cast►; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank che�fc, treasurer's cherdc or cashier` s check, provided any <br />such c�e�k is drawn upon an institution whase deposits are insured by a federai agency� instrua�entality, or <br />entity; or (d) Elec.tronic Funds Transfer. <br />Paym,emts are dcemed rec:eived by Lender when received at the location des�gnated in the Note or at suc� <br />other 1a�+tion as may be designated by Lv�cicx m accordance with the not�ce prarnsions in Section 15, <br />Lend� may return arry paymaat or pmtial payment if the payment or partiai payments are insuffiaient to <br />bnng the Loan cucreat. Lender may accept any payment or parhal payment insufficient to bring the Laan <br />current, without waiver of any nghts hereunder or prejudice to its nghts to refuse such payment or partia! <br />payments m the future, but Lender �s not obligatecl to apply such payments at the time such payments are <br />acxepteci. If �ch Aeriodic Payment is applied as of its sctieduiied due date, then Lender nead not pay inter�t <br />op unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Bonower malces payment to bring the I,oan <br />current If Borrower cices not do so within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds <br />or retittn thew to Borrawer. If not applied e.arlier, such fi�t►ds will be applied to the outstanding principal <br />baiance und�r the Nota immediateiy pnor to foreclosure. Nv offset or claun which Borrower might have <br />now or in tE�e future against I,ender shall relieve BDSOwer from making payments due under the Note and <br />this Security Inscrument or performing the cx�venan� and agreements s�red by this Secunty Instrument <br />2200263440 <br />NEBAASKA-Single Fami�y-Fenrae MaelFraddla M� UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS <br />VMP p <br />Wottera Kluwer FManciel Servieea <br />o verwE <br />r-� 3o2s �ro� <br />VMPSASNE) �1108! <br />pege 4 ot 17 <br />� <br />