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<br />Prepared by & return to: �
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<br />Loan Operations — E Park
<br />PO Box 82535
<br />Lincoln NE 68501
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<br />WHEREAS, all or part of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust executed by
<br />Rockford M. Holmes, a single person, Trustor to Union Bank and Trust Company, Trustee and
<br />Beneficiary, dated September 23, 2002 and filed September 30, 2002 as Inst. No. 200210406 in
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska has been paid.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the
<br />request of the Beneficiary, the undersigned does by these presents grant, remise and reconvey to
<br />the person or persons entitled thereto all interest and esta.te derived to it by or through said Deed
<br />of Trust in the following described premises:
<br />Part of Block Fourteen (1�, Pleasant Home Subdiv�sion of Part of the East Half of the Sontheast
<br />Quarter (Ell2SE1/4) of Se�t3on Twenty One (21), iu Townslutp Eleven (11) North, Range Nfr►e (9) West of
<br />the 6th P.M., in Hall Connty, Nebraska, more particnlarly descrlbed �s followe: Beginning at a pomt 82
<br />feet Soath of the Northeast corner of said Block Fourteen (14), Pleasant Home Sandivision, thence south
<br />along and apon the east line of said Block Fourteen (14), 83 feet; thence W�t at right aug�a and parallel
<br />vvi,th the North line of said Block, 132 feet; thence North at right angles and parallel with the east line of
<br />said block, 83 feet; thence East at right angles and paraIlel with the North line of said Block, 132 feet to
<br />the place of beg�inning, said tract being a rectangular piece of graund 83 feet b�* 132 feet
<br />Executed this � day of May, 2012.
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<br />Sta.te of Nebraska
<br />County of Lancaster
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<br />By: �
<br />ary . Carbaugh, Vice Pre ' ent
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<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on thi .�j_ day of May, 2012
<br />by Gary S. Carbaugh, Vice President of Union Bank and Trust Company, Trustee.
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<br />GENEAAL NOTAAY-State of NeEraska � ,�,
<br />pAN{ELA S. BERRY
<br />M,, c�. �. s�. e, �o+s Notary Public
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