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. r .� �` % ` S <br />Loan No: 101252815 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br />201203954 <br />Pege 9 <br />Note. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated Mey 17 2012, in the original principal amount <br />Of $83,920.00 from Trustor to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, <br />refinancings of, consolidations of, and substitutions for the promissory note or agreement. <br />Personal Property. The words "Personat Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles of personel <br />property now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached or affixed to the Real Property; <br />together with all accessions, parts, and additions to, all replecements of, end all substitutions for, any of such <br />property; and together with all proceeds (including without limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds of <br />premiums) ftom any sele or other disposition of the Property. <br />Property. The word "Property" means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Properry. <br />Reai Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, interests and rights, as further described in this <br />Deed of Trust. <br />Related Documents. The words "Releted Documents" mean all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan <br />agreements, environmental agreements, guarenties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, security <br />deeds, collateral mortgages, and all other instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter <br />existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness. <br />ReMs. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royalties, profits, and <br />other benefits derived from the Property. <br />Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Five Points Bank, whose eddress is P.0 Box 1507, Grand Island, NE <br />68802-1507 end any substitute or successor trustees. <br />Trustor. The word "Trustor" means STEVEN R HEAD. <br />TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING ,AEAD ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND TRUSTOR <br />AGREES TO ITS TERMS. / <br />TRUSTOH: <br />INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF d �•�� ��� s ` - E-�`-� <br />COUNTY OF TI � � � <br />1 SS <br />On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared STEVEN R HEAD, A SINGLE PERSON, to me <br />known to be the individual described in end who executed the Deed of Trust, and acknowledged that he or she signed <br />the Deed of Trust as his or her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses nd purposes therein mentioned. <br />Gtven under my hend and official seal thls (��'� day of �d , ZO�. <br />By Q4JlL�.- �. 1.�2, <br />Notery Publlc In and for the S t of E <br />GENERAL NOTAflY - St�te Of Nebras siding at <br />DEVRAMCELROY y commission expires `�,� �����j <br />. .. My Comm. Exp. Aug. 25, Z013 <br />