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201203950 <br />THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), effective as of the Effecrive Date above, is made by and among the <br />Subordinating Lender, Owners and the Senior Lender named above. <br />STEVEN J. MUNOZ AND NORINE R MUNOZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS <br />(individually and collectively the "Owner") own the real property located at the above Properiy Address (the <br />`<Property> <br />The Subordinating Lender and the Trustee, if applicable, has an interest in the Property by virtue of a <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(the "Existing Security Instrument") given by the Owner, covering that <br />Real Property description more particularly described in the attachment fitle�l "Elchibit A" <br />which document is dated the 14th day of August , 2002 , which was filed in Docutnent ID# <br />0200209209 at page N/A (or as No N/A ) of the Records of the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of the County of HALL , State of Nebraska. The Existing <br />Security Instrument secures repayment of a debt evidenced by a note or a line of credit agreement extended to <br />STEVEN J MUNOZ and NORINE R MUNOZ <br />(individually and collectively "Borrower") by the Subordinating Lender. <br />N/A The Senior Lender has agreed to make a new loan or amend an existing loan in the original principal <br />amount NOT to exceed $ N/A (the "New Loan or Amended Loan"), provided that the New Loan <br />or Amended Loan is secured by a first lien mortgage on the Property (the "New Security Instrument") in <br />favor of the Senior Lender. If the New Loan or Amended Loan exceeds this amount, the Subordinarion <br />Agreement is VOID. <br />The Subordinating Lender is willing to subordinate the lien of the Existing Security Instrument to the lien <br />of the New Security Instrument under the terms set forth in this Agreement. <br />� The Senior Lender has an existing loan in the original principal amount of $ 63,750.00 (the "Senior <br />Loan") to the Borrower, which was intended to be secured by a first lien mortgage on the Property. The <br />Senior Loan is secured by a Deed of Trust, executed by Bonower, as trustor, in favor of <br />WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL NATL BNK <br />as trustee for the benefit of <br />WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. <br />as beneficiary and recorded on 12/06/2010 in Document ID# 0201009075 at <br />page N/A (or as No. N/A )of the Records of the Office of the Register of Deeds of <br />the County of HALL , State of Nebraska (the "Senior Security Instrument"). <br />Through an inadvertent error, the Junior Security Instrument was recorded prior to the Senior Security <br />Instrument. <br />The Subordinating Lender is willing to subordinate the lien of the Existing Security Instrument to the lien <br />of the Senior Lender's Security Instrument under the terms set forth in this Agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above recitals, the covenants herein contained, and for good <br />and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: <br />A. Agreement to 5ubordinate <br />N/A Subordinating Lender hereby subordinates the lien of the Existing Security Instrument, and all of its <br />modifications, extensions and renewals, to the lien of the New Security Instrument. This Agreement is <br />SUBORDINATION ONLY/PC NE (rev 06202011) Page 2 of 4 <br />
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