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��� �. 2 U �3'7 � y - - - - - � <br />� <br />LEGAL�DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" <br />Lot Forty Five (4� and Lot Forly Fo� (4�, Castle Estates Sabdivision, Egceptting there from <br />that part of Lot Forty Fonr (4� more particalairly descri'bed as follows: Begianing at the <br />northeast corn� of said Lot Foity Four (4�; thence running sontherly along We easterly line <br />of satd Lot Forty Fonr (4�, a distance of One Hnndred ltventy F'ive (1?.5.00) fee� to tlie <br />soatheast corner of safd Lot Forly Fonr (4�; theace detlecting rig�t 90°1T17" and ranning � <br />westerly along the southerly line of saitd Lot Forty Fonr (4�, a distance of F'dYy Three and <br />Eight9 Five HnndredtLs (53.85) feet; Wence deflecting right 6G°Z9'00" and running northwesterly <br />a distance of One Hnndred 1�enty Three and Siaty Five Hnndredths (1?3.6� fcet, to a potint <br />on a curve and the northerly liae of satd Lot Forlp Faar (4�; thence ranning northeasterly <br />along the northerly litne of said Lot Forty Foar (4� and t6e arc of a curve whose radias is One <br />Hundred Forty (140.0) feet, the long chord of which detlects right 101°45'S0" from the last <br />de.sciibed comse, a long chord distance of Fitty Seven (57 0) feet, thence deflecting rtght <br />11°44'45" and running easterl� along the northexly line of said Y.ot Forty Fonr (4�, adistance <br />of � Forly Six and Seveaty Five Hundredths (46.75� feet, to the pofnt of beginninp,. <br />