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0 <br />�0120�'7`�� <br />z <br />F <br />LEGAL�DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" <br />n <br />. Lot Forty Five (4� and Lot Forly Foar (4�, Castle Estates Sabdivis�on, F�oepting there from <br />that part of Lot Forty Fonr (4� more parblcularly described as follows: Beginaing at the <br />northeast corner of satd Lot Forty Fonr (4�; thence ranning soatherly along the easterly LZne <br />of satd Lot Forly Fonr (4�, a distance of Oae Hnndred 1tv+enty Five (L'�5.00) fee� to tlie <br />soatheast corner of .sa�d Lot Foriy Four (4�; theace deflecting right 90°].7'17° and ranning � <br />westerly along the soatherly line of said Lot Forty Four (4�, a distaace of F'�+ Three and <br />� F.tghty F'ive Hundredths (53.85) fee� thence defleding right 66°29'00° and running northwesterly <br />. a ditstance of One Handred 1'wenty T6ree and Siaty F'ive HandredtLs (U3.65) feet, to a point <br />on a corve and the northerly liae of said Lot Forty Foar (4�; theace ranning aortheast�ly <br />along the northerly line of said Lot Forty Fonr (4� and the arc of a curve wLose radias is One <br />Hnndred Forty (140.0) feet, tLe lo� chord of whtch deflects right 101 from the last <br />de.scribed comse, a loag chord distance of Fit'Ey Seven (57.0) feet, thence deflecting t3ght <br />. ii°44'45" and runntng easterly along the northerly line of said 'Lot Forty Fonr (4�, adistance <br />of � Forty Siac and Seveaty Five HandredtLs (46.7� feEt, to the point of beginntnp,. <br />0 <br />