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201203751 <br />Three and Ninety Four Hundredths (283.94) feet (long chord distance = 280.061, long <br />chord deflecting -right 16° 26'30" from the previously described course) to a point of <br />tangency; thence running westerly, along and upon the westerly prolongation of the final <br />tangent of the previously described curve, said prolongation deflecting right 161, 26' 30" <br />from the chord of the previously described curve, a distance of Five Hundred Seventy and <br />Eighty Pour Hundredths (570.84) feet to a point on the west line of said Northeast <br />Quarter (NE 1/4), said point being Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy Four <br />Hundredths (243.74) feet south of the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NEI/4); thence deflecting left 90" 13' 15" and running southerly, along and upon the <br />west live of said Northeast Quarter (NEI/4) and the west line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE 1/4), a distance of Five Thousand Twenty Seven and Five Hundredths (5, 027.05) feet <br />to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI/4); thence deflecting left 89° 42' <br />55" and running easterly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) <br />a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and Ninety Eight Hundredths <br />(2,644.98) feet to the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI/4); thence <br />deflecting left 90° 0705" and running northerly, along and upon the east line of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SEI/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Nine and <br />Nine Hundredths (2639.09) feet to the southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NEI/4); thence deflecting left 00" 16'05" and running northerly, along and upon the east <br />line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty <br />Eight (2,648.00) feet to the point ofbeginning AND <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and all of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SWI/4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Eleven (I 1) North, Range <br />Ten (10) vilest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as <br />follows; <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4), said point being <br />Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy Pour Hundredths (243.74) feet south of the <br />northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); thence running southerly, along and <br />upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) and the east line of said Southwest <br />Quarter (SWI/4), a distance of Five Thousand Twenty Seven and Five Hundredths <br />(5,027.05) feet to the southeast comer of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence <br />deflecting right 90° 3l' 10" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said <br />Southwest quarter (SW1/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Two and <br />Forty Two Hundredths (2,662.42) feet to the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SWI/4); thence deflecting right 89° 34' 15" and running northerly, along and upon the <br />west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW i/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred <br />Forty Five and Eighty Eight Hundredths (2,64.5.88) feet to the southwest comer of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence deflecting right 00° 06' 46" and running northerly, <br />along and upon the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NWI/4), a distance of Two <br />Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Seven and Eighty Two Hundredths (2367.82) feet to a <br />point, said point being Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty Six Hundredths (277.86) <br />feet south of the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW114); thence deflecting <br />right 90° 01'4711 and running easterly, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty <br />Nine and Seventy Eight Hundredths (2,649.78) feet to the point of beginning <br />