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20i2036�� <br />feet to the northwest cvme�r af said Sauthwest Quarter (SW1/4}; thence deflecting right <br />89° 59' 47" and ru,nning easterly, along and upon the north line of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SW1i4) and the north line of said Southeast Quarter �SEI(4), a distan.ce af Three <br />Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Four an.d Six Hundr�ths (3,524.46) feet; thence <br />deflec�ing right 82° O1' 14" and running southeasterly, a distance of Four Hundred <br />Faur�een a.nd Five Hundredths �414.05) feet, thence deflecting right 07° 15' SQ" and <br />running southerly, a distance of Two Thousand Two Hundred Thiriy Nine and Eighty <br />Five Hundre�iths (2,239.$5) feet to a point on fihe south line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE114}; thence deflectirng right 90° 12' OS" and running westerly, along and upon the <br />south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance of Nine Hundred Eighty Seven <br />and Seven Tenths (987.74) feet to the sautheast corner of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SV�1/4}; thence deflecting right 00° 40' 02" and running westerly, along and ugan the <br />south line of said Southwest Quarter (SWl/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundr�i <br />Two and Thirty Three Hundredths (2,602.33} feet to the point of beginning � <br />