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E�z$z� � � 2 p�. 2 0 3 6 3 � <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Section Fzve (5), To�,vnship (10) North, Range Ten <br />(10) West of�lie 6�' P.M., Ha1I County; Nebkasica, more part'icu.Yazly deseribed as foll'ows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said section Five (5); thence Southerly along the <br />East Iine of Section Five (5), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty-Four and <br />Eighty-eight Hundredths (2,644.88) feet,'to �tt�,�e Soufiheast corner of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NE I/a); thence continuing Southerly along the East line of Said Section Five (5), a <br />distance of Two Thousand Two Hundred S�v�nty eight an.d Sixty-four Hundredths <br />(2,678.64) feet; to a poin.t three Hundred Si�t� (360.0) feet North of the Southeast comer <br />of said Section Fi�e (5): thence Westerly paia�lel to the South of said Section Five <br />(5) and along the North line of Argo Second a.�ud Third Subdivisio�as, a distance of Two <br />Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Seven and T'lu�ee Hundredths (2,657.03) feet, to the <br />Northwest corner of Lot Eleven (11) Argo Second Subdivision; thence Nortb.erly along <br />the West line of Lot Eleven (11), a distance of Ten (10) feet to the Northeast corner <br />of Lot Five (5), Argo Second Subdivision; thence westerly along the North line of said <br />Argo Second Subdivision and�parallel to the South line of said Section Five (5), a <br />distance o£One Thousand Twb Hwr�.dred Twenty-Four and Eighty-Seven Hundredths <br />(1,224.87) feet, to the East line of Safizrn Street; thence Northerly along the East line of <br />said Satum Street, a distance of Eight Hundred Twenty-Seven and Fifry-Three <br />Hundredths (827.53) feet; thence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Argo Second <br />Subdivision, a daistance of Nine Hundred Fift�e�n and Foriy-Seven Hundredths (915.47) <br />feet; thence deflecting left 90° 15'20" and n�nni�g Northerly along the East line of said <br />Argo Fifth Subdivision and tkis line extended a distance of Two Thousand Seven , <br />Hundred Seventy-Two and Thirty-One Hundr;ed.ths (2,772.31) feet, to the Southerly right <br />of way line of the Unian Pacific Railroad; thence Northeasterly along said right of way <br />line a d'zstance of Three H�zndred. Eighty-Nin.�:and One Tenth (389.1) feet, to the East line <br />of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence Ndrtherly along the East line of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW %), a clistax�.ce of One Hundred Seventeen an.d One Tenth <br />(117.1� feet, to the Southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence <br />Northeasterly along said. right of way line, a distance of One Thousand Nine Hundred <br />Twenty-six and fifly thzee Hun.dredths (1,926.53) feet, to the North line of said Section <br />Five (5); thence Easterly along the North line of said Section Five (5), a distance of Nine <br />Hundxed Ninety-six and three tenths (996.3) feet to the Place of Beginning, except that <br />p�rtion thereof described as follows: <br />A traet of land comprising a part of the North�ast Quarter (NE 1 /a) of Section Five (5), <br />TowYaship Ten (10) North, Ten (10) VJ�st of the 6�' P.M., Hall Coun.ty Nebraska, <br />and more parkicularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast comer of sa�id Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /a); thence <br />southerly, along and upon the east Iine of said Northeast Quarter (NE'/a), a <br />distance of Two Thousand Two Hund�ed Thirry Six and Fifty Five Hundredths <br />(2,236.55) feet; thence deflecting right 90° 04' OS" and running westerly, a <br />distance of Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety Three and Fifly One Hundredths <br />(2,193.51) feet; tl�ence deflecting right 84° 53' 39" and running northwesterly, a <br />distance of Eight Hundxed Six and Thirty Eight Hundred.ths (806.38) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 03° 15' 14 " aud rnnniing northwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Fifty Two and roriy One'Hundredths (652.41) feet to a point on the southerly <br />right of way of the Union Pacific 1�ailroad; thence northeas�terly, along and <br />upon said souxherly right of way line; a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred <br />Five and Eight Hundredths (1,505.0�) �eet to a point on the north of said <br />Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4); tYience easferly, along and upon the north line of said <br />N�ot�.hheast Quarter (NE I/<), a distance of Nine Hun.dred Ninety Six and Three <br />Tenths (996.3) feet to the �oint of be '�nning and contai.ning 104.522 acres, more <br />or less, o£ which 2.445 acres, more or Iess, is presently occupied by public road <br />right of way. <br />� <br />