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�U�2�3��� <br />� ���`'� . .. ...... <br />irocf of lond comprls)rf�oll ot tt�� Soufhw��1 Ouort�r ot th• Soulhw�s! Ouarl�r <br />lev�n (11), Township ( tf ) North, Ronqs I�n (1A) W�st ot �h� 8th P.M.. Hol1 <br />ier�from, a tracl d�sc�lb�d ln D��d Book 98, Pqq� 423. Hall Couniy R�y(ai�r <br />xoapting thsrefrom. cll of 8ockmann t st Subdlwl�ldn ond 8utt�rlly Subdivl�lon� <br />efnQ mors portfcuia�i}r d�scrlb�d os fallows: <br />(S1N 1/4 � S1M 1/�) ot S�ciion <br />Caunfy, Nibrosko. sxe�ptinq <br />01 QMSd� Offla*, ond also <br />aold troct. I�at •xc�ptlon:, <br />Bsgtnning ot a polnt an th� w�st Iln• ot �old 5oulhw�sl Ouarl�r ot th� 5outhw�sf Oua�t�r (SW1/4 S1N1/4), <br />9ald polnt b�t�g th• norlhw�st corn�r ot sai� BuH�rlly Subdlvi�lon; iho�c� run�ing� no�lherly, clon� vnd <br />upon ih• west fine o/ said Soufhw�st Quort�r oI ih� SoutFttir�sf Quart�r (SWl/4 SW1/4). o dlslanc� oi <br />Thr�� Hundrsd Thlrlp and Sw�n T�nihs (330.70) iNt to o polnf, said polnY b�inq Thr�� Hundnd Thifir <br />On• and SI� ?�nfhs (331.Q0) /�ft �outh ot Ihs no�ihw�d cornrr ot sofd Southwrs� Quo�i�r oI ih• Southw�at <br />Quari�r (SW1 /4 SW 1/4); th�nc• d�llsalinq riqhf 90'23'44" ond ru�nlnq wst�rlr, porollil wNh ih� <br />no�ih Ii�� of told Southw��t Ouorf�r o! 11►a Southw��t Qua�iK (5W1/4 5Wt/1)� a dlstvnc� ol On� Thousand <br />Thn� Hundr�d Thl�t�a� and 7hr�• T�nihs (�,313.30) t�st ta o polnt on th� �w�t lin� of �old Sauihw�st <br />Ouo�t�r af tfi� Souihw�st Ouartor {SWt j4 SW1/4)� �ald polnl b�l�q 'fhrN Hundnd Thlriy 0�� ond 51x <br />Tsnihs (331.60) f��f soulh of th� norih�asi corn�r ot said Soufhw��1 Ouorl�r ot Ih� SoWhw��f Oua►1�r <br />(SW 1/4 SW 1/4). �ald poinf vl�o b�in� on tt►� v+�sl lln� a! sold W�si�rn H�lyhts Fourfh SubdTris(on; th�hc� <br />d�ilscling right $9'30'58" and runninQ •oulh�rly. olo�q and upon th� �ost 11n� ot sold Soulhw�st <br />4uari.r o1 ths Sovlhw�sl t7uarl�r (SWS/4 SWt/4). ond also b�inq olon9 ond upon ih• w�sl Itn� ot wid Wtit�m <br />Helghfa Fou�ih Subdlvl�lon, o dlsfanc� ol �Slx Nundr�6 Elyhfy i7v� and El�v�n Hundr�dfhs (6a�.i 1� la�l <br />to 1h� no�fheosl corn�r oi safd 6ockmonn i sl Subdlvhion; fh�nc• d�tl�ci(ng rtght !0'27'OS" and runnlny <br />+r�at�rly. clony ond upon th� north Nn� ol soid 8ockmonn ts1 Subdivislon. o dlsfanc� 01 Fiv� Hund��d <br />Etght�r and Sixt�r Slx Hundndths ('Sd0.66} t��1 10 fh� narlhw�d carn�r oi sald Baakmann 1s! Subdir(slon; <br />fh�nc• d��f�cffnq Isti 90'32'19" and runnin9 south�riY. alonq 4nd upon th� w�sf lin� ot sald <br />Bockmcnn i�t SuDalvlala�, a dlalona• ot T�o Hundr�d Nin�fp NI�� and Elghly S�v�n NundndtAs (�99.�7) <br />f Nt to th� souihw�si aorn�r of sa�d Bo�kmo�n 1 sf 5ubdivl�ion. said polni al�o b��n� on Ih� south <br />Ilne .o( satd Sou�hwest Quarisr. of 1h� Souihw�st Duart�� (SW1/�1 SW1/4); 1h�nc� d�tl�c11n9 1�1t <br />90'32'23" and runnlny w�sf��ir. alonq and upon th� south itn• of sold Southw�f QuoN�r ol th� <br />Southw�rt Ouorl�r (Swt /4 SW 1/4), a dislonc� o/ Four Hundr�d On� ond Stx Y�nihs (40f .80� I��f <br />io th� .. soufh�ost carn�r ot sald 9utl�rffy Subdfvislo�; th�nc• d�il�ciin� rl�ht a8''�8�08" 4nd runnfn� <br />norihorlp� olonp and upon th� •aii Ifn� of. sald 8utt�rilr S�tbdtrl�lon� 4 dldanc� of Slx Nundr�d FiftX Flw <br />(655,0) fe�f tc �fFa roorihoa�! aorn.r of sold BuNsri�r 5ubdlvlsion; ti�sn�o do�lecftng I��i B!'�'09 ond <br />runnln rv�sf �r�►� olony and upvn fh� no►ih i!n• of sald guHariiy Subdfv�slon. a dlslono� ot Yhrs� Hundnd <br />Thirfy Thr�e (333.p) f��1 to ih� polnt of b�9ln�tnq and contolnln9 20.721 ccry. r�+on or Is�s� ot whkh, <br />0.555 acns, rnor� or l�ss, (s pr�s�nfly occupi�d by publlc ►oad riyhi vf w�r. <br />