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2o�.�u���.� <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) <br />On December 19�', 2011, before me, Shirley Alvarez, Notary Public, <br />personally appeared David Trakman, who proved to me on the basis of <br />satisfactory evidence to be the person(�) whose name(�s) is/a�e subscribed to the <br />within instrument and acknowledged to me that he%sbe/#�e� executed the same <br />in his/�ier�e+� authorized capacity(�es), and that by his/#�eF/#-�ei� signature(s) on <br />the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(�) <br />acted, executed the instrument. <br />I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia <br />that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />7 � srua�Er��z <br />� . , COMAAISSION i 1�cf <br />Nota�y PubBc - Cetifomia 9 <br />SAN OIE(i0 COUNTY � <br />�Y Canm. Erpbp Sspl. 28. 2613 <br />said County and State <br />