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�0�2�2��� <br />��y� 200408U26 <br />�� <br />�,� . .. ...... <br />1roc� ot land compriain�oll of tl�� Southw�sf Quorf�r of 1h� Souihw�st Qua�f�r (SW1/4 51N1/<) ol S�c11on <br />Isv�n (� 1), Town:hlp (11 ) Nortt►. Ran9e T�n {tA) W�st of th� 61h P.M.. Hall Counly. N�broska. sxc�ptinq <br />ter �irom, a trocl d�sarlb�d in D��d 800k 98, Pq�� 423. Hall Caunt�r R�qist�r ot D��ds Ot�ic�, cnd also <br />xcept�ng ihersfrom. oll of Bockma�n tst Subdlvi��on o�d 6uft�rfly Subdivlslon. iold f�acf� I�aa �xcepttons, <br />einQ mora porftculariy deso�ib�d o� tvllaws: � <br />BsQlnning of a polnt on th� w�st Iln• of tald Southw�l Quo�l�� ot th� Soufhwrrsl Ouart�r (SW1/4 SW!/4)� <br />9o1d polnt b�(ng th� norihw�sl corn�r oi sald BuN�rilr Subdlvis�on; fh�nc� runniny narlh�rly. olon� vnd <br />upon th� west tine oi soid Souihw�sl Ouo�r of fh� South�rts! Gvart�r �SWI/4 SW1/4). o dlsfo�c• 01 <br />�hr�� Hundnd Thirip and S�v�n T�nth� (330.70) !Nt to o polnf. sald poi�Y b�in9 Thr�� Hundr�d Thirl�r <br />On• ond S1� T�nths (331.60) ���f •outh ot ths norfhw�d e�r ot �Id Southw�sf qua�i�r ot Ih• Southw�at <br />Qua�f�r (SWl/4 SW1/4); th�nc• d�fl�ctln9 �Iqh/ 90'23'44" ond runninq �asf�rir. porall�J wilh ih� <br />no�th {fn� of sald Southw�st QuaA�► af fM Southw�st Oua�t�r (SWI/4 SWl/!)� o dlslonc� ot On� Thousond <br />Thr�• Hundr�d Thi�i�sn and Thr�� T�nlhs (1.313.30) tat 1a o polnt on fh� �vtt Nn� of •aid Souihw�sl <br />�uart+r cf Oh� �ou/hwost Gs�ar4�r (SMI1/4 SW1/4). scfd potnf b�inq 7h�N Hundnd Thi�riy On• ond Six <br />TsMhs (331.60) t��t soufh of th� north�asf corn�r ol sald Southw�tt 4uo�l�r ot ih� Southw�st Ouarf�r <br />(SW1/4 SW1/4). sdid poini alao b�lny on ffx w�si Iin� o! sQid W�af�rn N�ly�h�s Fourlfi Subdlvlslon; th�nc� <br />d�/1ec11ng �Ight 69'30'S8" ond ru�nln9 �outh�rly. clon� ond upon fh� �pat 11n� o/ satd Soufhw�st <br />Ouari.r ot f!►� Southwssi Quarf�r (SWl/4 SWt/4}. ond also battp olon9 and upon ih• vr�st f1n� o( wld W�st�rn <br />Helghta Fou�ih Subdlvl�lon. o disfonc• o( Six Hundred El�hfy i'lv� cnd El�v�n Hundr�dths (Sa3.11) l��f <br />Io th. noMheasl corn�r ol said 8ockmvnn 1 st Subdivf�lon; th�nc� d�tt�ctinq righ! 90'27'OS' and runn�nq <br />w�st�rly Qio�s ond upon fh� north Nn� of sald 6ockmonn 1s1 SubdivSslon. o dlsiano� ol ilv� Hundr�d <br />Etghtr and Sixty 5ix Hundndfh: (SQ0.6b) ���1 io fh� �o�hw�d eonN� ot sa�d Bockmann 1sf Sub4lrfsion; <br />ih�nc• d��i�c11nQ Istt 90'32'19" and nanninq :o�m.�ir olonq ond upon th• w�st fin� o! sald <br />Bockmann t�t Subdivlalo�, a dlsfonc• ot T�o Hundr�d Nin�ty Nin� ond Elghly S�van HundndfA' (299.a7) <br />IHt to ih� scuthw�sl aorn�r of said Bockma�n tst Subdlvlston. soid polr�t olso b�inp on th� south <br />line of sald Southws�ri Quv►ts► of 1h� Souihw�at Quarf�� (SW1 /� SWt /4 ; th�nc� d�tl�cflnq I�tt <br />9�3Z'23" ond runnfnq w�sl��ly� alon9 ond upon fh� soufh I�n� of sald outhwht Ouorf�r o( th• <br />Southw�st Ouorl�r (SW1/4 SYV1/�). o dislanc� of Four Hundr�d On� ond Stx T��lhs (401.60) f�rt <br />10 ►h• soulh�osf corn�r ot satd 8vtf�rfiy 5ubdivi:io�; fh�nc� d�11�c11nQ rl9ht 89'38'09" and runnf�4 <br />nor�►�•�tr, olon� ana! upon th� east I�n� a/. sald Buri�rilr S�bdtvisfon, o dlsianc� of Slx Hundnd f'NtX Flw <br />(6SS.0) fes0 to �il» r�orfh�oat corns� o! told BuN�rf�r Subdlvisto�; 4�►�ne• do1l�aHn� O��t 6�'3�'09 ond <br />runni r.�st�rh olon� and upon fh� no�th Nn� of safd BuH�►11� SubdMsion, a dls4anc� ot TAn� Hu�dnd <br />Thlrty Yhr�e (333.0) f�N to fh• polnt o� ba9tnn�nq and co�faMinq 20.721 acna. nwr� or le�s. ot whkh, <br />O.SSS acr�s, rnor� or I�ss, I= pr�s�nflr occ�pl�d by publlc ►ood riyhf o1 woy, <br />