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ih <br />*`af`►`a�dd��,¢oragax%s �€�# ;xthi) of the <br />z s'. <br />U th vet#t �artex { r) of Section Twenty -eight (28) Town- <br />ip�'I,ei�'(1irrrth, ; "i8angd Nir�4d ('est of the.'6tb' <br />A <br />Fall County; Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />- <br />Begnnixtg at a point pn the "Fiat line 'of said Northwest <br />te- quaxter (NW 4} said port Fiye livadxed Thirty Five and Four <br />ths, J535,4) Feet South o the Northeast (jF) ,corner of said <br />A) �thenee 5ou#herly. al and upon said East line of NW 4, a <br />stssf'►neh`oui�an`d' aiu'dt {Eighteen (1 :.118) Feet; thence <br />efle)ng righi 9� °26' and inning Weste "rly a distance of Seven <br />*;eeths thence deflecting <br />ght $04 l5" and running Northerly Four. Hundred Eighty Four (484.0) <br />L et;t a�i► .a'defiecting left g9 °45'.,, nc#'runntng; <br />