(1) Each lot shall be used for residential purposes only;
<br />no apartment house, duplex, triplex, nor basement house shall be
<br />built upon any lot. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed:.'"
<br />or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached dwelling..
<br />house not to exceed two and one -half stories in height and a pri-
<br />vate garage for not more than three cars and oth secondary build-
<br />ings incidental to the residential use of such l Such dwelling
<br />shall be erected for occupany of one family only and shall not
<br />be used for occupany by more than one family.
<br />(2) Ail frame buildings other than the main structure shall
<br />have the same quality of outside wall finish and roof as that used
<br />for the residence.
<br />No building shall be constructed with unsightly materials,
<br />boards or salvage lumber.
<br />( 3) iio :dwe' ling house, or any' part thereof, shall be here
<br />after constructed South of the 1114'Ln mum Set Back: ".
<br />(4) iJo .baildin g or dwel' ing louse s all be moved on to
<br />any lot. No tra ler, tent, carage,;shacl, or ,other unsightly
<br />NU ioing, or-out buiiding shali be used tt',ereon.
<br />(5) io animal_, animals, or poultry shall be kept or main-
<br />tained on any lot for any uuslness, trade, or coramercial use or
<br />purpose whatsoever. JNo swine, gouts; sleep, cattle, or horses
<br />shall be permanently and cont].nuously kept or 'stabled on any lot.
<br />(G) No dweil�ng 'souse shall be constructed upon any lot
<br />with a floor area o less tnar: 1AOO square feet.
<br />(7) No sod, earth, sand, gravel or trees sham be removed
<br />to the injury of the value or the appearance of any lot,,and no
<br />unused building material, junk or rubbish shall be left exposed
<br />on any lot except on actual building operations thereon.'
<br />(8) No worn out or discarded automobiles, machinery, or
<br />parts thereof shall, be stored on any lot and no part of any lot
<br />shall be used for discarded automobiles,`machinery, junk piles
<br />or other storage of any kind of junk or waste material.
<br />(9) Any public sidewalks erected upon any lot, if and j
<br />when constructed, shall be construced along the front curb line
<br />thereof.
<br />(10) No earth pit toilet, oudoor toilet, or cesspool(s)
<br />shall be constructed, installed or;maintai.ned or permitted.in
<br />or upon any lot. No foul waste water or refuse or garbage or sew-
<br />age of any kind shall be permitted; to be disposed of in or upon
<br />the soil or sand of any lot. Ali sewage shall be conducted
<br />through pipes or wholly enclosed drains to an adequate and ef-
<br />ficient septic tank system authorized and approved by the Depart-
<br />ment of Health of the State of Nebraska and no such septic tank
<br />system shall be placed and located on any lot at any place other
<br />authorized by the rules and regulations relating to public health
<br />issued by the Department of Health of the State of Nebraska for
<br />disposal of human excreta and domestic wastes.
<br />(11) No manufacture of any sort, or storage of material or
<br />activity of any offensive, dangerous, noxious or odorous nature,
<br />and no business or trade, shall be permitted, operated or con-
<br />ducted upon any lot.
<br />(12) These covenants, restrictions and conditions are to run
<br />with the land and shall be binding upon all persons and all parties
<br />claiming ownership of said tract unil 1970, at.which -time such
<br />covenants, restrictions and conditions shall be automatically ex-
<br />tended for successive periods of ten years unless changed or mod-
<br />ified by a dote of the majority of the then owners of lots in
<br />such subdivision.
<br />