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A F F I D A V I T <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ( In Re: TITLE to THE EAST HALF OF THE <br />(ss SOUTHEAST QUARTER (E2SE), OF <br />COUNTY OF ADAMS ( SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP NINE (9) <br />NORTH, RANGE. TEN (10) WEST OF <br />THE SIXTH P.M. <br />Berend J. Lindeburg, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and states that <br />he is the surviving husband of Anna Lindeburg, daughter of Claas and Anna Rewerts. <br />Affiant further deposes and states that the before named Claas Rewerts was <br />the owner in fee of the East one -half of the Southeast quarter (E2SE —'�), of Section <br />21, Township nine (9) North, Range ten (10) Vilest of the sixth P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska; and that affiant's wife was one of his legal heirs, and that his wife's <br />name was referred to in several estates, partition proceedings and other instruments <br />affecting the title the said aforeddscribed premises, and that in some instances <br />she was described as Anna Lindberg; but that in all of said transactions her real, <br />true, and correct name was Anna Lindeburg. <br />The affiant further deposes andstates that his wife the aforedescribed Anna <br />Lindeburg died intestate on the 19th day of November 1916; that her estate was duly <br />probated in the county court of Hall County, Nebraska, and that her name is cor- <br />rectly spelled in said probate proceedings as well as that of affiant and of their <br />three sons and daughter; and that attached to this abstract is exhabit "C ", which <br />is a digest of the probate proceedings in the matter of the estate of Anna Lindeburg <br />deceased, and that such digest gives the correct spelling of all of their names. <br />Affiant further deposes and saith not <br />Subsequent and sworn to <br />Gj <br />� UA <br />�A <br />!1 �f 4✓ p <br />t' <br />before me this day of June, 1960. <br />Notary Republic <br />Fired for record. Jane 24, 1960, at 10 :30 A.M. aGH-•� <br />Register of Deeds <br />Hall County, Nebr. <br />