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to maintain temperatures within the building of 780 F. to 820 F., dry bulb, a, ld <br />45 to ,0 percent relative humidity in all areas based on the design temperature <br />comttonl in use in the localit77. Lessor shall furnish heatin system of suffir_ient <br />size and capacity to maintain uniform temperature of 700 :, <br />the design temperature c° in all areas based on <br />trmoni in use in the localit-:. Lessor agrees to provide <br />and replace during the continuance of the lease all as needed, <br />and the Lessor shall at Lessor's expense record this lease in the proper recording office. <br />7. The Lessor shall, unless herein specified to the contrary maintain the demised premises, including the building and <br />any and all equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances, whether severable or non - severable, furnished by the Lessor under this <br />lease in good repair and tenantable condition, except in case of damage arising from the act or the negligence of the Govern- <br />ment's agents or employees. For the purpose of so maintaining said premises and property, the Lessor may at reasonable <br />times enter and inspect the same and make any necessary repairs thereto. <br />8. The Government may sublet all or any part of the premises or assign this lease but shall not be relieved from any <br />obligation under this lease by reason of any such subletting or assignment. <br />9. The Government shall have the right to make alterations, attach fixtures and erect additions, structures or signs in <br />Of upon the premises herebv leased (provided such alterations, additions, structures or signs shall not be detrimental to or <br />inconsistent with the rights grauued to other tenants on the property or in the building, in which said premises are located); <br />which fixtures, additions or structures so ph ced in, upon or attached to the said premixes shall be and remain: the property of <br />the Government and may be removed or otherwise disposed of by the Governmeut. Prior to Pxpiratioa or termivatiou of this <br />lease the Government shall if required by the Lessor by notice in writing s;xt, days in advance of such expiration or termina- <br />tion, restore the premises to as good condition as that existing at the time of e^tering upon the same under this Ittase, reason- <br />able and ordinary wear and tear and damages by the elements or by circumstances over which the Government ttas no control, <br />excepted. <br />10. ;a) This lease may be terminated upon ninety days' notice in writing to the Lessor whenever the Post Office De- <br />partment shall deride to move the office into a Government -owned building which shall have been provided for it. <br />(b) This lease may be terminated upon ninety days' notice in writing to the Lessor whenever, in the judgment of <br />the Post Office Department, the growth of the service at that office renders additional room necessary and the Lessor is un- <br />able or unwilling to furnish suitable and sufficient additional space at an additional rental satisfactory to the Department. <br />(c) If any building or any part of it on the leased property becomes unfit for use for the purposes leased, the les- <br />sor stall put the same in a satisfactory condition, as determined by the Post Office Department, for the purposes leased. if <br />the lessor does not do so with reasonable diligence, the Post Office Department in its discretion may cancel the lease. For <br />any period said building or any part thereof is unfit for the purposes leased, the rent shall be abated in proportion to the area <br />determined by the Post Office Department to have been rendered unavailable to the Post Office Department by reason of such <br />condition. <br />11. No member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this <br />lease or to any benefit to arise therefrom. Nothing, however, herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorpo- <br />rated company, if the lease be for the general benefit of such corporation or company. <br />12. The following paragraphs were deleted before execution: done. <br />13. The following paragraphs were added before execution: p8ragraph 14. <br />14. It is further agreed between the Lessor and the Government that the terms <br />of the Agreement to Lease made by aad between the parties to this lease under date <br />of December 18, 1558, as the same may have been amended, are made a part of this <br />lease and are to be complied with as thoujh fully set forth i.n this lease. <br />POD Form <br />Feb. 1958 1449 Page 2 <br />
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