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A F F I D A V I T <br />I, Edwin D. Benjamin, of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, being, a licensed surveyor of the State of Nebraska, <br />do hereby state that Lot 33, in Block "D ", in "Park -View sub- <br />division", located in the Quarter of Section 29, <br />and the Northwest quarter of Section 28, all in Township 11, <br />North of Range 9, ','Test of the Sixth Principal ,`- eridian, Hall <br />County, 'Vebr -i ka, i.- lOC3tP,d wi ttiin onp mile from the city <br />ii,-ats of the C_t,- of tram sl-ind and the above , property is <br />subject to t'e rro; i_' ons of Ordinance 3i i,2_ of the City of <br />-rand Island, �rP.UraSi. , '.. "' ' ^� %e as a :iup- '.,'than '.)evei.op -I <br />Ordinance. <br />ST"JE OF <br />a',LL CO_C' ^ j 1 u..... .... _one a - - - <br />and re: in . .._.. _r, cnail <br />came _.. vir. .,. =ie ^.;a : e k sown <br />be thy. _,entdcal ^er�on n ^:ose n,i:,,e _s <br />affixed '.ne :ore�oin; _nstlrc enu <br />acknowied,-e.i . i:e .. � :e '.o p e ..-s vo'l .- <br />tary act ruid deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Tae bore <br />written. <br />1 , <br />0 a I1 S R <br />My commission expires the 31st day of May, 1961. <br />Filed for record June 14, 1940, at x:00 7. ".• A�; RR er eeae <br />Hall County, Nebr. <br />