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AFFIDAVIT. <br />STATE OF NE _cASKA ) <br />HALL COUNTY. ( ss. <br />being; first duly shorn on his oath <br />states that he is of legal age and a resident of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska., and has been such resident for more than 30 years <br />last past., that he was r:ell and, personally acquainted with Lena. Hirst, <br />t11e z ra tee,. in •a certain warranty deed, darted Septerlber 2, 1373 and <br />recorded in Book "Ell at page 302` of the deed records of H ,-j,ll County, <br />Nebraska, and with Lena Wilkins, whose estate was - pro >cated. in the <br />County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, that the t8aiid Lena ns <br />�Tas,masried; twice, her second husband being ?,rTatthew H. ;Pull i.ns, rd <br />affiant positvely knows of his oi>a kno >rrledge that 'Lena Hirst wr�d Sena <br />Wilkins, :.were one and the same person;` no twit1istanding t�,,e di ,c re , n c y <br />111 Y1c`3_,.>:1eS._ <br />Affiant Iurther,'state� t at he'; 5 17e11 and J`8`Tsonally' aC':uai'_lted <br />17ith Anr�er. Howard Hirst, the in a, certain Power or Attorney <br />darted June.,3,, 19. 1,;- and recorded in Book 1101' at Paf e; 339' -of t1he Hiscella- <br />neous Recox4s' a-C Hall Coun -ty, . Nebraskka, 'and "af -fiant positii °ly .Mo. s of <br />his o1-n personal knowledge that the said An' >er Howard Hirst, vas, at the <br />time of signing said power of attorney and is at this tip, e an uniiarri.ed <br />Affiant further states that he is zrell and personally acquainted <br />With, Fred 0. Wilkins and Effie V. Wil,ins, his wife, who executed a <br />Power of attorney dated June 3, 1921 and iccorded in Book I- at is e <br />370 of the Miscellaneous Records of Hall county, Nebraska, and affiant <br />knows of his own -aersonal knowledge that said Fred 0, �il',ins and Effie <br />V. ' Wlkins, husbpald and wife, and Anker Hoi ; ; -ard Hirst, or any or eiti-_er <br />of then, are non - residents of the State of Nebraska at this tiMe. <br />Affiant further says that he ; &.- of tae said Lena Z'ilkins <br />above referred to and is conversant rith the facts above set forth. <br />Further affiant saith not. <br />0-V4 ". ,Subscribed in <br />.of ,0Ctgb6 A.D. 1926. <br />`L <br />1cv� <br />my presence and sr:orn to before ,re this 2.r 'I d..y <br />ITy COMMission eXpires`6�h� / & —i .1j.1, <br />NOTARY PUBLIC. <br />Filed for record May 10, 1960, at 9;40 A.M. 6 <br />Register of Dee s <br />Hall County, Nebr. <br />