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. - g,�., , , <br />z <br />2012028�1 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land located in part of Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Five (5), Township Twelve (12) North, <br />Rgnge Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hal! Coanty, Nebraska, gnd more parHcularly described as follows: <br />C�rameaclag at the Southeast corner of Section Five (�; Wence on an assumed bearing of North 00°45'S9" <br />West upon and along the East line of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), of Section five (S) a distance of Four <br />Hundred Eighty-one and Fifty-eight Hundredths (451.5$) feet; thence South 89°l4'Ol" West a distance of <br />One Hundred Seventy-three and Siateen Hundredths (173.1� feet to the West Right-of-Way 14ne of Hi�hway <br />281, said point also being the point of beginning; thence North 88°38'16" West parallel witf� the South line of <br />said Southeast Quarter (SE 1!4) a dist�nce of One Thousand Nine Hundred Thitrteen and S3xteen Hundredths <br />(1,913.16) feet; tbeace Nortb 00°45'S9'" West a distance of Five Hundred Ninety and Thirty-six HundredWs <br />(59036) feet; thence South 89°37'40" East a distance of Nine Hundred Thirty-four and Slacty-two <br />Hundredths (934.62) feet; thence Narth 0°36'09" East a distance of One Hundred Forty-six and Sixty <br />Hundredths (146.bS) feet; thence South 88°3 ' 6" East parallel wfth sald South line a distance of Three <br />Hundred Twenty-tive and Two Hundredths �02) feet; thence South 41°03'1Z" Eant � distance of Two <br />Hundred Twelve and Slsty-two Hundredths (x12.62) feet; thence South 87°54'48" East a distance of Four <br />Hundred Nfnety-elght and Forty-nlne Iiundre�iths {498.49) feet to said West Right-of-Way line; thence South <br />Ol°51'08" East upon and aloag eaid West Right-of-Way lEne a distance of Five Hundred Ninety and <br />Tturty-nine Hundredtha (590.39) feet to the point of beginning. <br />509446663 <br />