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ORDIMANC19 MD. 3529 <br />An ordinance extending ttm core i-ate ts of t_ e i. of <br />xar�d tale z� , ebraska, Vy annexing Vidreto and Including therein, <br />an ' addition to be kn an axed designated as Knickrohm Fourth <br />'Addition t,.f the (- g tv if Grand I sl lid, Nebraska* a�)proving they <br />Plat of so'Id addi,ti:jn, approvin ; tad Agreement f 3r <br />Covenants* A eestrictionn and for :. i®cka -One (1) and <br />Three (3) of said addit9ong and all proaaedings had and done <br />coneeraing the annexation thereof, and repealWn,e; `J'rdinan e ;:). <br />3bg4 of Ue' �rdinanese r of teas City of Gr „d Tealan , = ebras:':ca. <br />. %; .. Axµ:* Vrieds KnIc reahm %nd, 'tl4o �,orporation of tti.* 'Presid- <br />ing Bishop of the Churc r of tfesus Christ of Latter Day . ,,: x3tt�, a <br />Utatz (;*rp�6ratl�)n, have ode application t ; t4o ;- r ty of Grand <br />Asland requosii€ g the annexation of addi ti, :4n V:; be ,J�n r n and <br />d:e8'si aced 'as KnIcItrohn R urth Addition to, t�,�v G, i;� of Gr :o <br />.xlandt Nebraska, b7 said t,m that tees cc�rp.'.>x�at� i.i,i.ta r,f <br />Braid (..It7� bo extended to Inclade said . n, and i-akw� subrulltted <br />there t` i tip, a pla t sh:� wing Via lo to and blocks cozprI . , .yr , se. d <br />ed itio , with streets, alleys, av"nues :;turd paubllc w,,y s, <br />an <br />the said �'rioda KnIckratua has filed wIt , sa: c p1 t <br />arc Agrooment for PrPtecti e, ( ;'Ovenants, Rostrietions yard C'ond't >ns <br />tar Blocks one . a d `ire (3) of said a.dd:ti�r� are to <br />pass ai,'th tba title to the =lots# tracts and par°cf.;l r it land in <br />said blocks n Bald addition, and <br />tae, Uayor andcs t, Cooled .,ave examined said appl"i- <br />eati -on and plat and Agreement for i'r tective 4:>vsnanta, t +e to lc- <br />tl:�ns and �pndi,ti:)�aae for i'3:ocske'une (1), and '�r�ree (a5) of laid <br />addition, And have found tha t ttms* ,s zw rinould in 4j_1 respeats be <br />ap r.oved and <br />WiMEA,SF,e they plat and the `annexation *f `said aeddlt., c) t.; t-ee <br />City of 'Grand It I& nd he s be on a:ppr��ted %� tsaa �l� €art �, rig <br />of Grand l sla nd,e <br />