<br />114"
<br />Y,,,1HFREAS, Frieda Knickrehm, owner of all lots in Blocks one and three in I'Knici-
<br />rehm, Fourth Addition" to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and
<br />!iAAEREAS, it is the desire of the owner of said bloc to if prove said' B'ocl,s one
<br />and three, !'nic4rehm Foutth Addition" by encouraging the sale of lots and the r;on-
<br />struction of modern houses;
<br />QUO THEREFORE, in consideration thereof, and of the benefit -to be derived, by
<br />owner of said blocVs, and any purchaser or purchasers; their heirs,
<br />executors and assigns, the owner in her own right stipulates and agrees that any and
<br />all lots In said bloctes sold, transferrdd and conveyed, shall be and are subject to
<br />the following protective covenants, restrictions and conditions, all of which run with
<br />the land as follows-,
<br />(1) All lots in tbo addition shall be vnot.,r, and it ^criCrat sa as ros].-ient'—fl lots. 14c
<br />apartment house, ouplex, or triplex shall be built on any lot. No structure shall be
<br />erected, altered." placed or por&itted to remain on any tract having
<br />than 120 feet by 70 feet, other than one detachod single dwolling no". to exc,f-,d to;o
<br />and one-half stories in height and a private garagv for not tw)ra -tlnan whrc,� aild
<br />other secondary buildings incidental to residential u,;,- of such tract.
<br />�'N
<br />Ai.1 frame buildlngb other than the Inaln ztructure cIhailt havca th- quaiity
<br />C) f out ide IVall I f lnish and rool' as tl`,at P roved' for N� F.uch bu'z 06"1
<br />. ,
<br />i
<br />L,e made of unsightly materials, o<: boxes oi- similar lumber.
<br />f -�, . 3r11
<br />,-) All buildings shall be placed at least thirty `-V/ fan_',�. 'from the -_root: lot
<br />of Said lot and on corner lots, a!). buildings shall be at six (6) rt b8cl- i'rcm.
<br />the side street line. Any detached garage or separate secondary stricture shall be
<br />not ip-ss than sixty (60), feet bact, from the front lot lime and or corner lots sha*i.l h�:
<br />not t.' an six (`) fo;et fror"', sic, sire line.
<br />(4) ;-!o building or dwelling house shall be moved into said addition and placed
<br />u,t-_1c,n -,I iot- no t-,riller, tent, qaraq,.-�, shacl- or other unsightly out-buildint-, shall
<br />used 1s - 6,,qelling, at any t..Lne, nor shall any structurv*of ) temporary cl',,'.Fnracter, "o
<br />any basement house be used as a resldlf-,nce at any
<br />1 15)
<br />Fhe ground floor area :pf ilh�- i1P otructurc., xclusiv o�` 3n",
<br />for onc, F..tcry or a cn,� an 43 "'
<br />6.
<br />shall not be iess than X)0 square Feel
<br />structure, and shall not be less than 75C iFo-st- for ter
<br />(6) All public sidewall-5 shall be curb sidev,,alv-s. the acce-,;tance I)' a dee"',
<br />conv<-yance by any purchaser or purchasers of any lot, lots, or fract.-lons thereoiy
<br />shall be and amount, to and be construed as consen-c therr<to and ,uch
<br />cure sidowalv.
<br />�7) ' I ;
<br />-io sod, earth, sand, gravel or trees shall be remcved the J.n�ry uf ha ;,
<br />valu, of or appearance of any lot, and no used builuing, materlal. lunl, cr
<br />s f , al I be left exposed on said lot excep-c during actuai iYuildl-119 op,,:?rat'llons-
<br />(8) No worn out or discarded automobiles, machinery or parts thereof shall 0,,,
<br />stored on any lot in the addition; no portion thereof shall be used for automobiles,
<br />Jun'- piles, or storage of any vind of-Juni- or waste materials.
<br />(9) These covenants, restrictions and conditions are to run nith the land and
<br />shall be binding on any persons and all parties claiming ownership of said lots for
<br />a period of ten years (10) from date hereof, at which time said covenants etc., shall"!
<br />be- automatically extended for successive periods of ten years, unless changed or
<br />modified by a vote of the majority of the then owners of the lots of said addition.
<br />