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sale' of such additiona]_ tracts. The application of any such proceeE= <br />or the pritleipai frog: time to time as sales are made ahall not <br />rel -lev,� t:.i� Pw'chasers of rualKins the annual payments on the rote, <br />to-cet er wi'`t..r interest on deureasing balaiices, wi" '(.he entire <br />off_ *.b^ principal with interest snail have been paid. if s, -.C'o <br />sales are -"Ladd and the escrow agreement uerei-nabove set forth 16 <br />terniiiat:eu aI".i': the promissory note of the Purchasers securod by tY <br />,.,artgage r ; erred t3 are executed, suc<< nose shall contaii t' e <br />usia.i. autt customary provisio;Is of a ps zsaissocy note for the 3tatr. of <br />esJr :-a -z4, with provisions for acceleration In :,hr evert o3' -iel _1 <br />of any aygierit of interest or instalU i eiA of n incipp.l., anL, thf° <br />mor3tga e shall be a standard First real estate uiort«ac -n u s t c m .r3 i <br />sFad i ::, t hs 3 vatE of :4ecrasku. <br />i33 event the P urchase.rG sell any po- �,tiora of t.}l ', <br />reaL herein above desori0ed and arP' reiii:ired tL'- f L <"3ii tr <br />€1bstra,i'^`I.v; iii vonnactioa thei ewitil, Sucl. ahj racts _ihall be at the <br />expense of the P =archasera. <br />agreement shall De ufIoIt Lt =C heirs, <br />li.I.33.%.5 :. s: e� -�, i7Y"Li, sacceasors ail Cl as31ig_13 of ceaoh and ail of the })'=:r!E t: = -{ <br />:!37'e: CIA, `i..'., t :.:VJIiE'.;1 CS 'LEs' UJ red 'C o o ri tuue .r _ ureh as`r- I:'- well a,`'.?- <br />is6) ' . L�J ? faI t ui # csre ;O:tlt ; H reE3iJeIr 9t1ci? le i:c!LB at the UX -2 .f r -ci al <br />_ , , '361i3, lii :l4;Sy C e; e2 arc si 'Id 3 �E I <br />:zj301i. 111 iiO tiCt?6 I'3qLilT'e i 02' =rE i LAS tiHr^ I;.0 fJ� _ii <br />uvi "2• Lc� _'ufi:ii se--s shall b.) cousidei 3(� Li'v` "rE; irF3I Li ��Ii ;:121i1iit <br />ei Lhez4 of the i''txoia"sers 8 hell' 1i13i }:ilOSv ". add ,ess. <br />3.6e 5 :'��iy "v_ :i3' @d () be given oi .e%BSRid:'4" to rst })a Lie6 S ii 1.1 /G <br />6 -1 :is iU._. :': ps. °c) �b;'_�` `r ' e-n upun n a 1 1 'Lite t v.sii.;Bl'U +_4i <br />sd) :` =i.. _�'.''` ..'1 v2`cti. li i�it:ii.:, 5v iGi.t :iS Lu�� i:S v:'i)k' ilt_. ,•. ti`-�L1 Eli: t, i <br />i 0A. V;,'_'F, _iii ' <,iiE'.I'B3 teT :li t't #.tle jio :al <br />..�i: •:. �ydii .Li �r' Leila L. Hans en at the �_a5L j,I1)Ui,Yi address ()i' any 1}S <br />t _ is ITNL.; Whil tMY he _ice +._ d _ _,_'t: -as Ler ha ;rg vei <br />i'arnas ana Seals to this 4instrument, exist ut.ea i,-i tiiree cou.iter- <br />£arsl- s, oa t7_ day and year first above wr i'. ; ea. One fulls e'KC.CIUier <br />copy is e c.e delivered -t.c the Sellers, 6n tz; t.ho Purchasers, and <br />u. +L- a..iiy 13 L'1'04 ygeliG. <br />A % T <br />Seders <br />-- a urch aso.-s <br />me <br />
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