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THIS AGREWW e4t er into th3 e t r dq C1 ly � � <br />_ _ <br />4U+ �vi a►d <br />`. �'. <br />WOW <br />des robs f' <br />r4ating, frW lessors the following describes Vr i 604 } <br />'The t to of land located in the Southeast c4ir Aw. <br />the 86ath Half of Section 11, Township l2. Horth, <br />10# Vest of the 6th P.M., in Hall. t W,, aebraa a r <br />-particularly d -escribed as follows; cc en€ing at. �et 11 s th- <br />daft corner of said pectlan 11& Ong. thecae north; <br />and upon the east Side -of said scion 1:1 a di stance dr <br />8.75 f eet,, ru=ing th";Oe wed ; �� pa]roll el With the <br />south side of said section. 1,1, t st aid of .208.70 feet, <br />running thence outh and parallel t.4 the"' A. side of <br />said section 1.I a distance Qf, 208.75 feet running thence <br />east, along and upon the soutli side of sqf.,. section 11 a <br />distance of 208.75 feet to t.4*. po$,At of b innlags' <br />It Is therefore agreed aS follows; <br />I, <br />r.eCsors lease the abd_ve, describe prmises to Lessee for a team <br />of fifty (50` years, connancing august 1, 1959. <br />IT- <br />All improvements made to sai.•' pr(nlses :hall remain the property <br />of Lessee. <br />III. <br />A part of the consideration for this= lease is that Lessee slazal use <br />sa.i - -, prwi ses for the locating on sai :� prEmi, ses and the conducting there- <br />on of a school open to the public. In the event that at aW time during <br />thy, team of this Lease, Lessee should cease to exist as a stparate <br />rural public school di stret and no rural public school be held at these <br />premises for a period of five (5) years, this lease shaU th€n terminate <br />and the t6tl.e to these prmises revert to the Lessors,, °.their heirs or <br />assigns free of this lease. In the event that Lessee should continue as <br />a rural public achool district but should fail for a. period of five (5) <br />years to conduct public school, classes can said promises this lease ! h—fikl <br />that tersainate and the title to these prmises revert t•* the Less€rrs, <br />their heirs or assigns free of this 1"se, If Lessee should discontinue <br />operation of a rural public school, at these premises and should let <br />these prmises be used for non - school purposes, this lease shall forth- <br />with tierminate and the title to these pr see rovert to th €. 1,essors, <br />their heirs or assigns free cC thi lease. <br />IV€ <br />Lessee shall not sub-let or assign this lease or .these premises, or <br />arW part of these prmises. <br />V. <br />The rental for this lease' in addition to the consideration referred <br />to in par mph III above, shall be a single pay .t of 150.00.. receipt <br />whereof is herd acknavle€ ed 'by Lessors. <br />tness our. Vi,gnatures this 9th day of Tiny, 1959, <br />HoU Count, . ebr, <br />jC ipp <br />
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