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2012028G� <br />Parcel ID Number: <br />-102 SUNSET DR <br />DONIPHAN <br />("Yropert}� Address" ): <br />��hich currentiv has the address of <br />. (Sh c�c�1) <br />(Cih�), Nebraska 68832-9792 (Zip C'ode) <br />'fOGI�:'I'[II?R WITH all the impro�•ements na��� or hereafter erected on the property, an�l all easements, <br />appurtenances, an�l ti�tures no�� or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be <br />co�•ered by Qiis Securin• Instrument. All of the foregoin� is referred to in tlus Securiry Instrument as Ule <br />"Propert�•. " Rorro��er understanJs and agrees that Mf:'R5 holds onl,y legal titic to the interest grante�l b}� Barro�ver <br />in this 5ccurih� Instrument, but, il� necess��n• to comply ���ith law or custom, Ivff?RS (as nominee ti�r Lender vi�l <br />I.encler' s successors and assigns) has the right: to etercise any or �11 of thase interests, including, but not limiteJ <br />to, the right tu ti�reclosc ancl sell the Propert}�; and to tahe am� a�tion reyuired ot� I,enaer including, but not <br />limitecl to, releasing and canceling this Securit�� Instrument. <br />I3ORROWER COVENANTS that Borrow�er is la�vfully seise�l of the estate hereb}� com�cyed ana has the right to <br />grant and con��ey the Propert}� and that the Property is unencumbered, e�cept for encumbrances of record. <br />Rorro��er ��anants and ��ill delend generall}• the title to the Propert�� against all cla'vns and demands, subject to <br />am encumbrances of record. <br />TI IIS S}�,CURITY INSTRi1MEN1� combines uniform covenants f'or national use and non-uniform covenants ���ith <br />limited �•ariatic�ns b� jurisdiction to ce�nstitute a unii'orni securitv instrument covering real propert��. <br />Uniform Covenants. Borro«�r mi�l Lender �ovenant and agree as ti�llows: <br />Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borro��er <br />shall pay ��hen �lue the principal of and interest on, the debt e�•idence�i bti• the Note and any prepa�ment <br />charges and late charges due under thc Note. Borrowcr sh�ll �lso pav 1'unds for �scro« Itt111S ]�UTSl41lll IO <br />Section 3. P��•ments due under the Note ancl tlus Securin� Instrument shall be uiade in U. S. cunenc�•. <br />1Io�ce��er, if am• check or other instrwnent recei��ed b�� Lender as pa��ment under the Note or this Securin� <br />Instrument is returned to Lender unp�id, Lencler ma�� require that am c�r all subsequent payments due under <br />the Note and this Securih� Instrument be made in one or more of the follo��ing fornis, as selected b}• Lender: <br />(a ) cash: (b) mone}� or�ler; (c> certiYicd check, bank check, treasurer' s check or casluer' s check, provided am• <br />sudi check is �lra��n upon an institution �vhose de}x�sits are insured b}� a federal agency, instriuuentalitti', or <br />entih•. or (d) Electronic F�u�ds Trinsler. <br />Ya� ments are deemed receired b}• Lender when recei�•ed at the location designated in the Note or at such <br />othcr location as ma� be designated by Len�ler in accoraance ���ith the notice pro��isians in Section 1 �. <br />l,ender m��� return any pa�'ment or partial payment if the plyment or partial pa��tnents are insufticient to <br />bring the Loan cunent. Lender ma�' accept any pa`�ment or partial pavment insufticient to bring the Lo�n <br />current, «�ithout ���aiver of �m• rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or parti�l <br />pa��ments in the i'uture, but Lender is nat obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are <br />uccepted. If each Periodic Pa��ment is appliecl as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest <br />c�n uik�pplied funds. Lender ma�� holcl such unapplied funcls until F3orro�ver makes payment to bring the Lo�n <br />current. If Rorro�ver does not do so ��7tlun a re�sonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such fun�ls <br />or rcturn them to Borrower. I1' not applied earlier, such Punds ���ill be applied to the outstanding princip�l <br />h�ilance under the Note immediately prior to ti�reclosure. No offset or claim �vhich Borrcmer might ha�•c <br />no�� or in fl future ag�inst I,en�ler shall relie��e &�rro���er lmm making pa}ments due under the Note �nJ <br />this Securit}� Instrument or perti�rming the covenants and agreements secured b�� this Security Instrarnent. <br />001122994618 Citibank V1 <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3028 1/01 <br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services Page 4 of 17 <br />