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. <br />�. <br />, E ..� <br />20i202�09 200707578 <br />` � A part of t� East Half (E1/2� of Lot Fou�teen (14j of <br />Vantine's Subdivision located an a part of the Northwest <br />Quarter (1VW1/4) of Section 'l�wenty-two (22), in Township <br />Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., <br />morc particularly descr�ed as follo�vvs: Begiizning at the <br />point of intersection of the North line of said lot 14 of <br />Vantine's Subdivision where said North line intersects with <br />the projected East side af Pine Street; running thence East <br />along and upon the North line of said Lot 14, a riistance of <br />135 feet; then�e at right angles South and parallel to the <br />East line of said Lot 14, a distance of 66 feet; thence West <br />parallel to the North line of said Lot 14, a distance of 135 <br />feet to the East line of South Pine Street; thence North <br />along and upon the East line of Pine Street; thence North <br />along and upon the East line of Pine Street, ,a distance of.fi6 <br />feet to the point of begiruiing, being in the City of Grand <br />island. Hall Couniy� Nebraska, <br />s <br />