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EL,• 'EyTC„) <br />d' .! <br />on the followu g de cribed,real,�estate situated n�the Country <br />State of. /•� �s ' <br />*f S+aton <br />range <br />and, <br />Whereas the- bor.,rp -eT has agreed to give Commodity Credit Corporation or its approved lending ;agendy a mart- <br />gage lien-on said storage structures <br />Now, thdrefore, the parties °heretofdo covenant and igi a that'such"structures and equipment: <br />1. Shall remain severed from said real estate, and, .. <br />r„ <br />2. Even if attached to the realty, shall retain their personal character, shall be removable from the real estate, shall be <br />treated as personal property with respect to the rights of the parties, and'shall not become fixtures or a part of the <br />real estates ;•and, g _. ao.' <br />3. Shall not be subject to the hen o %any sEeurit'traasafetion oilnstrume'nt heretofore or-here'after risidg against the <br />stiucture nc "realty -on -wh ich it is placed, .until y *. v •: s 1 <br />(a) The expiration of Commodity Credit Corporation•'s lien and any, : extension or -renewal thereof; and," <br />(b) Until repayment of said loan. <br />4. Shall, if acquired by Con`Imodity Credit Corporation through foreclosure or other means, at the option of the Commod- <br />ity Credit Corporation remain on the above described real estate for a period not to exceed six (0) months after the <br />date of acquisition by Commodity Credit Coiporation at no' expense to Corimodity Credit Corporation. <br />In witness whereof, the undersigned have executed these presents on-the dates immediately below their re- <br />spective signatures: <br />b <br />(OWNER O.R LIENH L ), <br />DATE <br />(OWNER OR LIENHOLDER) <br />DATE <br />*U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1958 O - 490699 <br />