;• 121 =CITY LEASE'(Reviaed), The Huffman General Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />g
<br />F
<br />This Agreement, Made and entered into this 10th day of November 19 58
<br />E
<br />by and between. Mrs. Augusta Kamps
<br />Of the Count o t
<br />y f Hall and State of _; Nebraska hereinafter referred to as the
<br />first party and Lester Lawrence
<br />hereinafter referred to as the second party (whether one
<br />or more in number)
<br />WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part has this day leased unto the party of the second part the fol-
<br />lowing described premises, to -wit:
<br />Lot One & Two (1 & 2) in Block Thirty (30) Original Town
<br />Gzand Island.Nebraska„ consisting of an office building, and garage and
<br />the large sign reading "Walt's Used Cars" but not the residence located
<br />on the northeast cornsmf the lots now occuppied by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kamps
<br />Together with all buildings and improvements, on the same for the term of one year from
<br />the 1st day -of November 19 58 to the_ lst day of November '959 for the sum of
<br />'- . ---. -- Twelve hundred and not 100»--- -....» DOLLARS
<br />payable at the rate of $ 100.00 per month, with the first payment to be paid on the 1st day of
<br />November 19 58 and the balance payable$ 100.00 on the lst day of each
<br />month, in advance, at the pie of Walter Kappa
<br />home
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED, That if any rent shall be due and unpaid or if default be made in any of
<br />the covenants herein contained, it shall then be lawful for the said party of the first part to re -enter the said
<br />premises, and the party of the second part agrees to vacate said premises without notice, and if it becomes necessary to
<br />bring action at law to recover possession, to pay a reasonable attorney's fee therefore if permitted by law.
<br />It is further agreed by both parties that in the event Mr. Lawrence purchased all of
<br />the property above described, by or before Novembef 1959 paxtXxzfxfi€axfizsfor the
<br />sum of $13,500.00 party of the first part will eefund $25.00 of each monthfs rent
<br />paid to kim by party of the second part.
<br />her
<br />And the said party of the second part further agrees to pay the party of the first part the rent as above specified, except
<br />when said premises are untenantable by reason of fire, from any other cause than carelessness of the party of the sec-
<br />ond part, of persons of his, her or their families or in his, her or their employ, or by superior force or inevitable neces-
<br />sity.
<br />Second party covenants that he, she or they will use said premises as a Used Car Lot
<br />and for no other purpose whatever, and that he, she or they especially will not let said premises or permit same to be
<br />used for any unlawful business or purpose whatsoever; that he, she or they will not sell, assign, underlet or relinquish
<br />said premises without the written consent of the lessor,, under penalty of forfeiture of all his, her or their rights under
<br />this lease, at the election of the party of the first part and that he, she or they will use all due care and diligence in
<br />guarding said property, with buildings, gates, fences, vines, shrubbery, etc., from damage by fire and the depredations
<br />of animals, will pay all water rent and charges for gas or electric light that shall become due thereon during this lease;
<br />that he, she or they will not permit any noise or nuisance whatever on said premises to the disturbance of other ten-
<br />ants or do or permit anything on or about said premises which will increase the rate of insurance; that the lessor and
<br />its agents may enter at any time to view same or for any necessary purposes. The lessee further agrees that he will in
<br />all respects comply with the city ordinance and requirements of the health authorities and particularly as to keeping said
<br />premises and the streets and alleys adjacent thereto, free and clear from all filth, refuse and obstruction and the steps
<br />and sidewalks free from snow and ice; that he, she or they will keep the buildings, glass, gates, fences, etc., in good repair
<br />as the same now are or may be placed at any time by the lessor, or as often as the same may require it, damage by
<br />superior force, inevitable necessity or fire from any other cause than carelessness of the second party, or persons of
<br />his, her or their families, or in his, her or their employ, excepted, and at the expiration of this lease, or upon a breach
<br />by said second party of any of the covenants herein contaiird he, she or they will without further notice of any kind,
<br />quit and surrender the possession and occupancy of said premises 'in as good condition as reasonable use and natural
<br />wear and decay thereof will permit, damage by fire as aforesaid, superior force or inevitable necessity excepted..
<br />And the said party of the second part hereby gives said party of the first part a lien upon any and all property of
<br />the said second party kept in use upon said premises, to be enforced in like manner as a chattel mortgage, whether ex
<br />Kempt from execution or not, for all rent due or to become due by virtue of this lease.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have hereunto subscribed their names on the date above written.
<br />In Presence of
<br />- - -•- •---- - - - - -- (SEAL)
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<br />- - -- - -- (SEAT_)
<br />f -....
<br />••--- -•• - -- (SEAL)
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