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MA, <br />places so long as support payments are made, that the property described as: <br />South One -half (S2), of Lot One (1), in Block Twenty Two (22), in Russel Wheeler's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same hereby is, awarded <br />to the defendant and the title thereto, is quieted in her; that the real estate <br />described as; South One -half (S2), of North East Quarter (NEI), Section Fifteen <br />(1 -5), Township Ten (10), North Range Eight (S'), blest of the 6th P.M., in Iiami.lton <br />County, Nebraska, be, and the same hereby is, awarded to the plaintiff and the <br />t;Itle tt,ereto is quieted in him; the household goods and furniture be, and the same <br />hereby is, awarded to the defendant; the 1952 Pontiac automobile be, and the same <br />hereby is awarded to the defendant; the checking account in the Commercial National <br />Bank be, and the same hereb -T is awarded to the plaintiff, the office furniture, <br />Cixtures and equipment a?id farm equipment be, and the same hereb - „- is to the plaintiff”; <br />and the nlaintiff shall. 1)a.y to the defendant 'M,500,00 as permena.nt alimon -, payable <br />X50.00 on the first day of Pfarch, 1955, and a 1 I -e amount on the 1st day of each and <br />ever.- month ti- ,ereafter until the full principal amount of 8,6,500.00 is paid, interest <br />to be Paid at the rate of 6 per cent on any payment more then 10 days over due, a-,,-,,d <br />that the. costs of t'.is action be, and the same hereb-�r are taxed to the plaintiff <br />including „ %50.00 for attorney fees for the defendants attorne, -s. <br />E3`T "r;E COURT. <br />G. Kroger, District Judge. <br />A»nroved as to form: <br />s/Higgins and Higgins, Plaintiffs Attorne -rs. <br />3- <br />places so long as support payments are made, that the property described as: <br />South One -half (S2), of Lot One (1), in Block Twenty Two (22), in Russel Wheeler's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be and the same hereby is, awarded <br />to the defendant and the title thereto, is quieted in her; that the real estate <br />described as; South One -half (S2), of North East Quarter (NEI), Section Fifteen <br />(1 -5), Township Ten (10), North Range Eight (S'), blest of the 6th P.M., in Iiami.lton <br />County, Nebraska, be, and the same hereby is, awarded to the plaintiff and the <br />t;Itle tt,ereto is quieted in him; the household goods and furniture be, and the same <br />hereby is, awarded to the defendant; the 1952 Pontiac automobile be, and the same <br />hereby is awarded to the defendant; the checking account in the Commercial National <br />Bank be, and the same hereb -T is awarded to the plaintiff, the office furniture, <br />Cixtures and equipment a?id farm equipment be, and the same hereb - „- is to the plaintiff”; <br />and the nlaintiff shall. 1)a.y to the defendant 'M,500,00 as permena.nt alimon -, payable <br />X50.00 on the first day of Pfarch, 1955, and a 1 I -e amount on the 1st day of each and <br />ever.- month ti- ,ereafter until the full principal amount of 8,6,500.00 is paid, interest <br />to be Paid at the rate of 6 per cent on any payment more then 10 days over due, a-,,-,,d <br />that the. costs of t'.is action be, and the same hereb-�r are taxed to the plaintiff <br />including „ %50.00 for attorney fees for the defendants attorne, -s. <br />E3`T "r;E COURT. <br />G. Kroger, District Judge. <br />A»nroved as to form: <br />s/Higgins and Higgins, Plaintiffs Attorne -rs. <br />3- <br />