of the North east Quarter (NE-D Section Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10), North
<br />Range Fight (8), ' = ^,pest of the 6th P.F., in Hamilton County, 'Nebraska; Household
<br />furnishings and 2 aut, mobiles, a 1949 Jeep = nd 1952 Pontiac, a checkd.ng account at
<br />e Cnmmerci,,l ,..'�_�_:'nal R• <nk; dental c:nt, C,•rm 1 nuipment. Said Drorertir inFg
<br />accumulated br t' ^•e rarties during tree time of LF,f it marriage. The Court f .nds tr:at
<br />the defendant should have the prohert7r descrii-ed as: Sou th One -half (S ), cf, Lot
<br />One (1), do block ``: enty Ti•,o (22), in fRus el ?•;heeler's -ddit ion to tl'e
<br />Grand Island, _!ei`r�:i}'a, and U-I;at !.he 'l%iintif: -: Jld .`gave th; remaind.er o e rea;
<br />b
<br />rs� at:; t,-,e Qefendant to
<br />d o ,d. =_ -3L `'ilrnd.tlire; -;h U "t: C t. --
<br />—nob,� and .,:.e "1'?1'ztl "f -r " re e 1 .1 Je , .,'r,e de „',al _nd °arm (.q!zi; ^re1,t ;' nd the
<br />c:• --ci, ng � ccctlnt t'.:e C. TM^ °rc -ai .ati cr,.l nl`
<br />h�. �ia�_ntl .,,�a'1_ a t., �, -;e de, nd- -t .�c: sum of - 6,500..00 ;s r;ermin.; �,t
<br />a1. i- on.,r, sa id -oa ".e "its o -�'ode f I_ ra E3 _ 5.,1.0,0 :,er month:, ..t."'. : ntc rres -l.;
<br />,t t--P, rate cf - er c .-1 t` : s ^r ._ , s over dug. Ci r rSt Of
<br />said oa.,rments :;. .e ode "arc', ist, 1955, . - aT . :nt cri le 'irst
<br />each >n, d -ver.,- -r. th . - .reafter u i i .._e - ;rinc-1 su, ' 50z,.00 has Leen. a =i -d.
<br />`the Court .:Urt ier finds ".at .,:';e '1ain�,iff -._ en ��ui-1 t'.' of ?rcF;3 a,-d HXirerne;
<br />Cruelt7 nd that the 1P it 2Ti':te bOI:G3S 01 s- �r..IlOn'r °�ast;nr
<br />have been destroy red and defendant is entitled t -o --ri nhscLlte divorce �,s bra: "ed "T in
<br />her cross — Petition.
<br />IT IS TFERE, ORE, C'RDERED, AD�TLDGED, A'D r). C -,_. _ - COUR' that the defe.~dan;t
<br />be, .-ind she hereb:r is, awarded an absolute divorce :from the plaintiff; that the
<br />marriage contr.`�ct heretofore exieting between the defendant and plaint.i,`'f, be a,id
<br />the same hereby is, wholl�r dissolved and both parties released from the obligation
<br />of the same, said divorce to become absolute six (6) months from th:;s date unless
<br />set aside by the Court or appeal taken; that the care custody and control of Lheir
<br />two minor children, William Joseph, and Thomas Arthur Plith, be and the same hereby
<br />is, awarded to the defendant as long as the children remain in Public Shcocls and
<br />Protestant Sundav Schools to the age of Sixteen (16) -Irnars, that the plaintiff be,
<br />and he hereby is required to oar to the Clerk of the District Court, Hall County, Neb.,
<br />the sum of 4175.00 per month for a period of six (6) -ears, and the sum of $125.00 per
<br />month for an additional six (6) years, support for said minor children, first, payment
<br />due on the lst dais of March, 1955, until further order of the Court or until the
<br />youngest child ;reaches the age of 18 years, the plaintiff to have the custody of said
<br />children for one day from 12.o'clock noon on the first Saturday of each month, until
<br />12 o'clock noon the following day, and for a period of two (2) weeks during school
<br />vacation in the summer months and the right of visitation at suitable times and z .A
<br />k
<br />