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so is Cur or on" it24" I* *qnSV *f fto t <br />estate d+ssaridred as t� �� " ��� wit �rt+�i►a <br />(19 ) and tb* $aa`thW*dt , of US nth tdt quarter ( Swink) <br />of Sootion bmalw Ralwo Nino <br />(9) West: of the oth p *,s Ha j:L Ca ty j, **br*4*&*.vhLoh traot of <br />lama is iaa , %bo era" tajavd, C3;,%,' coa*forr and the a tie <br />that part whiee, lies north of tbo road wkii,at'4 divides too somete!ry <br />properties and *wA cta bas been known fop Xany yosrs as <br />Cemetery",, and <br />J <br />It sA a pa" of the above dssaribed tract at j►nd bed <br />in particular that part Twenty (20) feet Wide, aid one Tb usand <br />Forty (1049.0) feet longp being oae (1.Q) foot south Of and WSJ* <br />lel to the south linie of Blo sr ♦ *(let art use of said oa t ory p, <br />was r platted or 1414 out Into burial lots, OW <br />WMEA -S, in order to pre►vide additional burial stpaaea said <br />tract of land us$ been platted and div decd into burial lots and the <br />Mayor and Council ba s! iced. said 'Plat, and, find t%t sad. ia plat <br />should -,fin all respects be a p'atsl and- such nee d � <br />additional <br />ial spa cos be sold, <br />RE�c,.OLVt I T3 BY V� E KAYOR . € Cd :.tti [ L w <br />2" .;` ' GRA' J IS ND, NLB AZJ, # ti&� said plat above refor. -o d to boo, <br />and the same is hereby aceopted and approved; thfit a copy of said <br />Plat togatuer witi. a certified copy of this - .esolution be filed in <br />the Dffice Of the Re&ieter of Deeds of sbglj county, "obras"t and <br />tout a easy Of Wd plat and a Qes►ti.flod copy o$ tg is -Resolution <br />ue sent to tale City iz aginoor and to karry Hanson, 3exton, <br />by instructed to sell said burial lots and to givo tit,* to the Ptr. <br />chasers t ereaf as sW4 as Said buVial lots have boon umve"d and <br />made ready for sale* <br />Respectfully Submitted tip. ".e let day of October, 1"a <br />�i <br />�tt� pal <br />10018 . CBWlTTIZE <br />