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state bi HebraAc _ <br />County oT'- Douglas <br />On this 5 day of September A �.D., 1958 , before me, a Notary P blic in <br />and for said Douglas County, Nebraska., personal appeared MAX SKINNER <br />, to me personally kwwn, who being bpi'me duNy sworn did .saY that <br />Production Man ex of the Iowa- Nebmaaka Nortgage Loan Office of <br />The Prudential urance - ovIpa ny of ricaj a corperatio><a under the lavis of the <br />State of 'ftv Jersey, and that the said MAX..SKINNER acknowl.ed6ed the <br />said instrtil't;"'kidr.e�cecut?.as�► thereof to be- his vouz�ta� apt of eiaecl, for <br />the ` <br />Lt6e8 , '�te '1'Gln eXp2'e9$@d <br />in Tma t?avE hereunto set <br />on the '+ =0v above Frrittan. <br />;t4 t u <br />Itr Comm ssa,o i" 12` is 8 -4 -59 <br />x131 <br />Conxiodity Credit Corporation Forr.. 297 Reverae <br />STATE OF NECRASKA <br />DW hand and affixed my notarial seal <br />COUNTY OF <br />On thla day of 19s+;, pfytore me a Notary Public ?n and for.'sa�i,coghtx <br />personally came the above -namee. - -rFO /%Et�t.✓ who is persQ1*altyktio ".tq' <br />me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the above insttumsnt as Grantor aiA fie)i5kp9midd'ged.'" <br />suid instrument fo be his voluntary act and deed. Witness my hz:d and notarial seal,thy ds "f��,�yt, afb?2saidv <br />My Commission expires on the_ day of <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SSA <br />COUNTY OF, $gh )) <br />On this _•�h _,ay of September 19_,g before me a Notary Pu is rid county <br />personally came the aoove- naPedZ.eOn gden, "Florence Ogden 8c Vlr s¢p TWy known to me <br />to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the aoove instrument as Grantor and he acknowledged <br />said Instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. witness my hand and notarial seal, the date last aforesaid. <br />My Comerlsaton explfet on the 22nd day of January 19 63 <br />Fubi 1c <br />STATV'OF.1{ 61�', li <br />GUNLY OFD'' .o `�, S US <br />On �t'Yvraµ�...,,r�vti`` day of__ �, 19�, before me a Notary Public in and for said county <br />. ^zonally 'came tie - ,etove -named who Is personally known to me <br />z Le the Ndenticai person whose nGme Is affixed to the above instrument as. Grantor and he acknowledged <br />caid instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. 6itness ny hand and notarial seal, the date last aforesaid. <br />Ply Commission expires on the day of _ , 19_„•_. <br />(Seal -- Notary Public <br />..�:'. n,' ".fir" f)i a8" rM1 <br />U,zerzd cn 'Numerical index and fled <br />for rei -ord in ()ffiwe of fzegister of <br />i., ecds on tile ----- -- 19 - - - - -- day of <br />Septemb__ er 19.5$_- at A- - - - - -- <br />o'c:3o: �. ar.j 30-_ minutes _ -A.-M. <br />az ,,d aa.c. -w-ded in Hook ---- 6 ------ of <br />at page----------- -- <br />- - -- -- -------- <br />Register of Deeds <br />By - - --- - - - - --- <br />ePuty <br />Fees $.-?A5-!2 - --- <br />