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Beginning at a port Twenty -Five (25) Feet East of the <br />Northwest corner of Lot Four (4), Ln Block One (1) <br />Original Town of Doniphan, Nebraska, running thence <br />South One Hundred Forty -Two (142) Feet on a_ parallel <br />line with the West line of said Lot Four (4); Thence <br />East Twenty -One (21) Feet on the South line of said <br />lot; Thence North One Hundred Forty -Two (142) Feet <br />to the North line of said lot; Thence Vilest Twenty -One <br />(21) Feet to the place of beginning - same-being part <br />of Lot Four (4), Block One (1) Original Town of Doni- <br />Phan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />And, Whereas, this building is divided into two parts with a <br />pcAr -y Wail: <br />rdJV7 1'HEl?�1{ORL, Trip AOFLEP- id1 �r1IiNTESSE H THAT. The parties <br />r_ -ret„ agree that this wall shall be used in co: -Anon between the <br />p rties hereto arid. that it is Stipulated that each party will <br />,:'aintair and repair the interior of the wall on his or her side. <br />it ._s "urther agreed to that in the event the building is <br />de ;t:-y , ,° th t each party tiJi 11 be Un -er no obligation t0 replace <br />t' 1 <br />And said parties hereby mutu,::I1y covenant for themselves <br />and their respective heirs an'{ assigns each to and with the other', <br />his a_- ?r heir-, representatives and assigns, to observe the abovd <br />agree<<Jent, and that the covenants herein contained shall run with <br />r,e <br />!^­i, , %, but no owner is to be responsible except for his acts or <br />uefaults while owner. <br />It is furt er mutually agreed between the parties that <br />-this agree,nent shall be p-xpetual; that the title of the soil upon <br />wlkich sai.'?. ;Jwl1_ is to stan"! shall not be affected or changed by <br />virtue t1- ereof. <br />':, J <br />.'i ess our rands this lst day of September, 1958. <br />eorge Sc?,'nidt, Party of the First Part. <br />Iinnie Schmidt, Party of the Second Part, <br />