01RDMO-C19 NO, _32 LL.
<br />An Ordjuam* dedicating a portion of Lots 4jov#n (11) and
<br />Tool" (12)cif Rome Subdivision to the City of Grand Izlando
<br />hobraska# to t4o, Publio for street purposoal providing te4at said
<br />street *hall be named WaUwt Streot# and providing Viat the man*
<br />be shown on the Official amp of the City of Grand island, lisbraska*
<br />U1i•RF.A.2# on the 21st duy of July,, 19540 Messed -.-lacrament
<br />Churob of Grand Uland, "-ebraskap a Corporatlon# conveyed to the
<br />City of Grand Island, a municipal corporation in wall County,
<br />}iebras'.-a, a tract of la id described as follows:
<br />A part of Lots 1bleven (11) and Twelve (12) of I.Give � -ub-
<br />division to the (Ity of Grand Island, hall County# 1 e-
<br />i'makag and more particularly deser-lbed as follows
<br />Lo vier 1"44 at a point �Agklt (a) Feet West of the L-Outa-
<br />east corner of Lot Twelve (12) 4-owe -ub-d,,.!iv'4s11on, on tae
<br />mouth Boundary line of Lot 7TWolve (12) AIome �',%;,b_dlvision,
<br />rurinini3 thence North parallel to the West line of said
<br />Lot Twelve (12) Home .5ub.,d1v1&!on,, a distance of i''our
<br />!"undred 1.1insty Pive (495) Post to tie BortLZ 1-no of Lot
<br />lVolve (1 2) Lo b-dlvlsion,# running thence due east
<br />alonZ tipon the North line of sa'd Lots 1-lover. and
<br />Twelve (!2) liome L,- ub-divlslon* a distiance of iity (60)
<br />feet* runnl'aip, ttence and parallel to t ,e '"< .:at line
<br />at said Lot 1 .lovan (11), "am* b-odlvl*lonp a 41vt6noe
<br />o. 41 wour Eundred Onety five (495) feet to the line
<br />of said A'40t LLeven (1-1) -dome i:ab-dllv'Asianv running tfence
<br />duo Vest aloha ; a.d- upon tae auti_ 11;ae of saId !,As eleven
<br />(11) C d Twelve (12) Iaiuo �%-abdivlslon., a distance of Sj1X_
<br />ty (650) feet tz> t4e p3lnt of bp�inn�'ni;, be s.k tc.e 'Wester -
<br />ly klfty-two (62) feet of Lot r-loven (11) lio-mo ari,. b-diVl-
<br />a .err, Vie i-asterly Igat (8) feet of Lot T%;elve (1 2)
<br />,!
<br />.1: L
<br />and )me '�ub-d-v�^eiouj, Grand ,- fjlandl, H,.11 County, lieorau v.#
<br />the deed convex irk; said prernises pr:jv-',ded av followst
<br />raace upon t4�t c�,ndlti:�n t4 at nald tract
<br />W1 conval
<br />8 lAill -
<br /># within a reasonable time, be set aside,, dedicated
<br />an�d used as a City Etreet of said ��lf Grand Alsl,xid,
<br />th-,It in iAie event col idltl )n - is n,:)t fulfIlled
<br />renal- arable ti by Rio Lrantee horEAn,, t�.e-, and
<br />In ti.tit event, said tract MA-11 revert to t .e Erantorp and
<br />t City of Grand Island througL its 94ayor and
<br />Caunall, regularly passed ordinance No* .3346 creatlnC Pay.1n.-, D-1s,trict
<br />No* 286 of said City, which paviing district provides that a por-
<br />tion of tie lurid above described be paved, in particular thai p�.-irt
<br />lying bet State Street and Ute mart line of Lig-,teenth (18th)
<br />"Areetj and
<br />WxARBAS-s the deed conveying said promises abfi-ve described to
<br />