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ORDINANCE NO. <br />An ordinance dedicating cortaintracts of land situated in <br />Lots Ton (10) and Eleven (11) or Home Subdivision, an Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for street and alley pur- <br />poses; naming that part dedicated for street purposes Eighteenth <br />(18th) Street, and providing that such street and alley be shown <br />on the official map of the City of Gr.And Island* <br />V411EREASg on the 21st day of July, 1954, Paul W, K. Ruff and <br />Minnie C. Ruff, husband and wife* grantors, conveyed to the City <br />of Grand Island, a municipal corporation, for alley purposes, a <br />tract of land described ast Beginning at a point on the Westerly <br />line of Wheeler Avenue 132#0 feet Northwesterly of the point of <br />Intersection of the Northerly.line of 17th Street and the Westerly <br />line of Wheeler Avenue; runalAg thence Southwesterly parallel to <br />the Northerly line of 17th Street 28207 feet; running hence West <br />parallel to the NortL line of State Street, 105#0 feets to a point <br />which is 52,0 feet East and,,132.0 feet North of the Southwest eor- <br />nor of Lot Up Home Subdivision; running thence North parallel to <br />the West line of Lot ll,, home Subdivision 16,0 feet; running <br />thence East parallel to the North line of State Street, 100#2 feet; <br />running thence Northeasterly parallel to the Nor tnerly line of 17th <br />Streetp 279#6 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Wheeler <br />Avenue; running thence Southeasterly, 16*0 feet# along tree Westerly <br />line of riheeler Avenue to the point of beginning, and <br />WHEREAS, the said grantors in said deed also conveyed to the <br />City of Grand Island a tract of land for street purposes described <br />as followel Beginning at tUe point %n 141-ho IiAstz-rly Lo 4l ling of Lot <br />100 Home Lubdivision which 1fJ 50.7 feet Soutl,.eauterly from the <br />i'ortheastgrn tsorn�;r uf �,_t Ter, Hone S-,Abdivisioa; running thence <br />Southwesterly on a line parallel to -he north line of 17th Street,, <br />229 feet, running thence West on a line whicki Is parallel to tike <br />forth line of State Street, 51*8 feet to a point wt,ich is 52 feet <br />east and 340 feet north from tL-,e Southwest corner of Lot 11, Home <br />Subdivision running thence South parallel to the Vest line of Lot <br />11, 60 feet,, running thence .6ast on a line parallel to the North <br />line of State Street, 66.3 feet; running thence Northeasterly on a <br />line parallel to tree Nortitlerly line of 17th Street 044*4 feet to a <br />point on the easterly line of Lot 10, running thence Northwesterly <br />60 feet to the point of beginningg and <br />WfiEREAS# the City of Grand Island has constructed a sanitary <br />sewer in that tract of land conveyed to the City for alley purposes$ <br />and said City teas constructed a road on that part conveyed for <br />street purposes* <br />WhERh."A'S, the grantors in said deed expressly provided that <br />the lands described In said deed were conveyed to the City of Grand <br />Island "subject to the said City of Grand Island constructinl,.; a <br />road and an alleyway upon said land, within a reasonable length of <br />
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