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An Ordinance Vasa ting the alloy in �loak (97)# <br />Sea rat Addition to tk*o city of' Grand lalands Xobrask&* which <br />Alloy lie$ north of k-jSht'"Ath (18th) Street and *XteDd$ from <br />Eddy street to Cloburn Street* and r*sorving An easement ov*rt <br />along and aoroes said alloy for utility purposes and for telephone <br />lines* <br />BE IT Q.*-DAINED BY V"El MAY:)'.R C)!JNCIL 3P TH CITY -'T <br />.11sL34130 t-LB.R.WJ1A1 <br />SE 1* That t alloy In lolook 12wenty-seven (27) Of <br />shimmers Addition to the (,Jty of Grand Island, "obraskat sixteen <br />(16) toot In width, according to the original plat tclereof'# which <br />said alloy lie* north of j.ighteenth (13th) 'Street and extend a from <br />Lddy Street to Cloburn Z-3reet be, and the same Is "�ereby vacated* <br />Th',t the alloy 80 vacate 4. shall revert to tbO <br />owners of tLe adjacent real ostato one-half on eao-.- s: CIO thereof J <br />provided, however, the said �Ity of Uran6 aereby reserves <br />unto itself 9, easemont over, al., <br />&nd acr-;88 sai a. lay far <br />sewer mains# water mains# power arW ligkit lines and for telephone <br />lines* <br />i <br />aat t ::js alloy is vacated th s expreas un- <br />derstaxiding tiara_ no bAldln6, or, biLldlzngs sna"Ll be constructed over <br />4 1 ..,-,;n .)r the -,ainten- <br />sa-16 alley interfere witn tile OPe 'at' <br />ancep repair or renewal of .11Q utiliticis by tae City of' Grand island,, <br />or of the tolephone lines by the owner or operator thereof,, and fur- <br />tiler ttl-j; trees oj� 9hrubs *hall be plar-ited it-, said ailey which <br />wil-L interfere witii Uie operation,, repair, renewal or <br />extension of such utilities or taleph,>ne lines• <br />1.110 `JP'.1.JN 4* Ti:lat this alley is vacated witrt ',ne express under - <br />gtandink,. ti S.-Ould at-jy -D!, its owners hereafter pave the same and <br />si-Duld it become necessary to distrub said paving In order t.3 oper- <br />ate, repair, extend,, or renew sues =. utilities or tolephonc-, 1.11MOSP <br />ti-iat succ.% pavinG shall be restored and replaced at the Expense of <br />the owners of said alley, <br />