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4� 30 <br />Minutes (1780 46') with the aforesaid long chord a distance of Six Hundred Eighty - <br />three and Thirty-seven Hundredths (683.37) feet to a point which is Forty (40) <br />feet northerly of the south line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(SW4NE4) of said Section Twenty -one (21); thence west along a straight line which <br />is Forty (40) feet northerly of and parallel with the said south line of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW4NE4) of Scetion Twenty -one (21) making an <br />interior angle of Eighty -nine Degrees, Eighteen Minutes, Thirty Seconds (890 <br />181 30 ") with the last described course, a distance of Three Hundred 0300) feet <br />to a point; thence north along a straight line making an interior angle of Ninety <br />Degrees, Forty -one Minutes, Thirty Seconds (9004113011) with the last described <br />course, a distance of Four Hundred Ten and Five Tenths (410.5) feet to a point; <br />thence east along a straight line making an interior angle of Ninety Degrees no <br />Minutes (900001) with the last described course, a distance of Two Hund_ ed Twelve <br />and Forty -six Hundredths (212.46) feet to a point; thence north along a straight <br />line making an interior angle of Two Hundred Seventy Degrees, Eight Minutes <br />(270008') with the last described course, a distance of Two Hundred Eight and <br />Twenty Hundredths (208. 20) feet to a point; thence northeasterly along a curved <br />line concave southeasterly having a radius of Seven Hundred Fifty -two and Forty - <br />nine Hundredths (752.49) feet, the long chord of which is Three Hundred Forty- <br />eight and Sixty -seven Hundredths (348.67) feet and makes an interior angle of <br />One Hundred Sixty -eight Degrees, Thirty -three Minutes (1680331) with the last <br />described course, a distance, as measured in the arc of said curve, of Three <br />Hundred Fifty -one and Eighty -five Hundredths (351. 85) feet to a point in the <br />center line of Phoenix Avenue; thence east along said center line of Phoenix <br />Avenue a distance of Fifteen and Seventeen Hundredths (15.17) feet to the point <br />of beginning, containing an area of Three and Seven Tenths (3.7) acres, more or <br />less. <br />The above described tract of land is the property of the Petitioner, Berkeley <br />Properties, Inc. <br />Beginning at a point in the north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (NW4SE4) of Section Twenty -one (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the Sixty Principal Meridian, Thirty and One Tenth �30. 1) feet <br />west of the Northeast corner thereof, thence west along the said north line of the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW4SE4i of Section Twenty -one (21) <br />a distance of Six Hundred Thirty -two and Five Tenths (632. 5) feet to a point, <br />thence south along a straight line making an interior angle with the last described <br />course of Eighty -nine Degrees Eighteen Minutes Thirty Seconds (81901813011) a <br />distance of Three Hundred Twenty-Nine and Five Tenths (329. 5) feet to a point, <br />thence east along a straight line omaking an interior angle of Ninety Degrees Forty- <br />one Minutes Thirty Seconds (90 41130 ") with the last described course a distance <br />of Six Hundred Thirty -one and Four Tenths (631.4) feet to a point, thence north <br />along a straight line parallel with and Thirty and One Tenth (30.1) feet westerly of <br />the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW4SE4) of Section <br />Twenty-one (21) a distance of Three Hundred Twenty -nine and Seven Tenths (329.7) <br />feet to the point of beginning; containing an area of Four and Seventy -eight Hundredths <br />(4.78) acres, more or less. <br />The above described tract is the property of The Petitioner, Aluminum <br />Supply Company, Tubing Division. <br />A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE4YW4) <br />of Section Twenty -one (21), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine(9), West <br />of the 6th Principal Meridian, described more particularly as follows: Beginning <br />at the intersection of the North and South center line of said Section 21, with -the <br />North Right -of -Way line of the C. B. & Q. R. R.,- which point is Five Hundred <br />Forty Eight (548.0) feet North of the center of said Section 21, thence in a south- <br />westerly direction along the north right -of .way line of the C. B. & Q. R.R.,. at <br />an angle of One Hundred Eighteen Degrees Thirty Six Minutes (1180 361) with <br />said section center line a distance of Two Hundred Forth Nine and Seven Tenths <br />4249.7) Feet to the east line extended of Monroe Street in the City of Grand Island, <br />
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