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last described course, a distance of 300 feet to a point; thence north along a <br />straight line making an interior angle of 90041'30" with the last described course, <br />a ,distance of 410. 5 feet to a point; thence east along a straight line making an <br />interior angle of 90000' with the last described course, a distance of 212.46 feet <br />to a point; thence north along a straight line making an interior angle of 270008' <br />with the last described course, a distance of 208.20 feet to a point; thence north- <br />easterly along a curved line concave southeasterly having a radius of 75?. 49 feet, <br />the long chord of which is 348. 67 feet and makes an interior angle of 168 331 <br />with the last described course, a distance as measured in the arc of said curve, <br />of 351.85 feet to a point in the center line of Phoenix Avenue; thence east along <br />said center line of Phoenix Avenue a distance of 15.17 feet to the point of be- <br />ginning; EXCEPT ALSO <br />Beginning at a point in the north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, 30.1 feet west of the northeast corner thereof, thence west <br />along the said north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of <br />Section 21, a distance of 632. 5 feet to a point, thence south along a straight line <br />making an interior angle with the last described course of 890 181 30" a distance <br />of 329. 5 feet to a point; thence east along a straight line making an interior angle <br />of 900 411 30" with the last described course a distance of 631.4 feet to a point; <br />thence north along a straight line parallel with and 30.1 feet westerly of the east <br />line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21 a distance <br />of 329. 7 feet to the point of beginning; <br />The above described tract of land contains an area of 24. 68 acres, more or <br />less. <br />Parcel 4 That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 11 <br />North, Range 9 West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska described to -wit: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said quarter section with the <br />centerline of the main track of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com- <br />pany, which point is 519. 5 feet north (as measured on said East line) of the South- <br />east corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 21; thence north on the east line <br />of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, 28. 5 feet more or less, to a point that <br />is 25 feet normally distant northwesterly of the centerline of said railroad track; <br />thence southwesterly parallel with said railroad track 249. 7 feet; thence south- <br />easterly making an interior angle of 900 171 with the last described course 50 feet <br />more or less to a point that is 25 feet normally distant southeasterly of the center- <br />line of the main track of said Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company; <br />thence northeasterly parallel with said track and making an interior angle of <br />890 431 with the last described course 222.7 feet to the east line of said Northwest <br />Quarter of Section 21; thence north on said east line 28.5 feet more or less to the <br />point of beginning, containing an area of 0.27 acres, more or less. <br />The above described tract is the property of the Petitioner, the Chicago, <br />Burlington, & Quincy Railroad Company. <br />Apart of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW4NE1) of Section <br />Twenty -one (21), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the, Sixth <br />Principal Meridian in Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the center line of Phoenix Avenue in the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Three Hundred Seventy-Two and Fifty -eight Hundredths (372. 58) feet <br />southwesterly from the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Phoenix Avenue (as <br />siiown by plat of South Park now vacated); Thence southerly along a curved line <br />concave easterly having a radius of Six Hundred Thirteen and Sixty -nine Hundredths <br />(613. 69) feet a distance, as measured in the arc of said curve, of Two Hundred <br />Ninety and Seventy -Six Hundredths (290.76) feet to a point, the 'long chord of said <br />curve being Two Hundred Eighty -eight and Six Hundredths (288.06) feet and bearing <br />southwesterly from the center line of said Phoenix Avenue produced southwesterly <br />Sixty -three Degrees and Six Minutes (63o 061); thence south along a straight line <br />making an interior angle of One Hundred Seventy -eight Degrees and Forty -six <br />