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easterly corner thereof; running thence northerly along the easterly line of said <br />Block <Nine(9), which line is also the westerly line of Washington Street (now vacated), <br />76.79 feet to the southerly right -of -way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy <br />Railroad. Company main line track, running thence southwesterly along the southerly <br />right -of -way line of said railroad, 108. 55 feet, running thence southerly parallel to <br />the easterly line of said Block Nine (9), 45.65 feet to the place of beginning, con - <br />taining 0.146 acres more or less. <br />The above described tract is the property of the Petitioner, the Island Supply <br />Company. <br />Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW- NEW') of Section <br />Twenty -one (21), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth <br />(6th) Principal Meridian, more particularly follows: Commencing <br />at a point on the center line of Phoenix Avenue Seven Hundred Seven and Nine Tenths <br />(707.9) feet Westerly from'the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Phoenix Avenue <br />(as shown by plat of South Park, now vacated), which point is at the intersection of <br />the center line of Phoenix Avenue and the Westline of the East Half of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (E" SW-L 1 of said Section Twenty -one (21); <br />thence South along said West line, which line is the center line of the county road <br />now called and used as South Adams Street, a distance of Four Hundred (400) Feet: <br />thence East at right angles to last course a distance of One Hundred Seventy -nine <br />(17, 9) Feet: thence North Parallel with said West line of the East Half of the South- <br />west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (EaSW4NE4) of said Section Twenty -one (21)4 <br />a distance of Two Hundred Fifty -Four and Eight Tenths (254. 8) Feet to a point; <br />thence Northerly in a curved line, concave Eastwardly of a radius of Four Hundred <br />Sixty -eight and Twenty -eight Hundredths (478. 28) Feet, tangent to the last described <br />course, a distance as measured in the arc of said curve of One Hundred Twenty -nine <br />and Twenty -seven hundredths (129. 27) Feet, the long chord of said curve being One <br />Hundred Twenty -eight and Nine Tenths x(128, 9) Feet in length and bearing Eastwardly <br />from the last described course, produced Northerly, Seven Degrees, Fifty -three <br />minutes (70531), to a point; thence Northwesterly in a straight line at an interior <br />angle as measured from aforesaid long chord of One Hundred Forth -Three Degrees, <br />Fifty -Nine Minutes (143059'), a distance of One Hundred Eight and Fifty -Five Hun- <br />dredths (108. 55) Feet to the center line of Phoenix Avenue; thence Southwesterly <br />along the center line of Phoenix; Avenue a distance of One Hundred Sixty -Five (165) <br />Feet to the point of.beginning. This tract of land containing Seventy -Nine - Thousand <br />Seven Hundred Forty(79, 740) Square Feet. <br />The above described tract is the property of the Texas Company. <br />Parcel 1 - A strip of land 25 feet in width being 12.5 feet on each side of the <br />center line of the main track of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company <br />as the same exists on and upon. former Block 10 of South Park Addition (now vacated) <br />to the City of Grand Island, and former Washington Street lying within said Block, <br />containing an area of 0.35 acres, more or less. Situated in the Northeast Quarter <br />of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth P.M. Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Parcel 2 - That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 11 North, <br />Range 9 West of the Sixth P. M., formerly Block 10 of South Park Addition, now <br />vacated, and former Washington Street lying westwardly thereof (specific reference <br />being had to the recorded plat of said South Park Addition), which lies southeasterly <br />of a line 12.5 feet radially distant southeasterly of the centerline of the main tract <br />of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company and northwesterly of a line <br />12.5 feet radially distant southeasterly of a proposed tract, the centerline of which <br />would cross the easterly line of aforesaid Block 10, 128.94 feet northwesterly of <br />the Southeasterly corner of said block and which would cross the southerly line of <br />said Block 247.7 feet southwesterly of said southwesterly corner and which extends <br />between said easterly line and said southerly line along a curved line, concave <br />southeasterly with a radius of 573.7 feet, containing an area of .55 acres, more or <br />less. <br />