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�"z(' <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1 of Section Twenty -one (21), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West, described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point in the easterly line of Adams Street in Grand Island, Twelve and O e -Half <br />(12i) feet distant, northerly at right angles from the main tract of the belt line; , <br />thence northerly in the easterly line of Adams Street One Hundred Ten (110) feet; <br />thence easterly at right angles to Adams Street to a point in the present right of <br />way line twelve and one -half (12y) feet distant and at right angles from the belt <br />line; thence southwesterly twelve and one -half (12?) feet distant, northerly and <br />parallel with the center line of the railroad of the belt line, to the placing of be- r <br />ginning, containing one -half acre, more or less. <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1) of Section Twenty -One (21), in Township <br />Eleven (11), North of Range Nine (9), West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more <br />particularly described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the East <br />line of Adams Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, 140 feet southerly <br />from the Northwesterly corner of Block 14, in Windolph's Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, running thence southerly along and upon the Easterly <br />Boundary line of said Adams Street to the Southwesterly corner of what was for- <br />merly Block 8, in South Park Addition (now vacated) running thence easterly along <br />and upon the Northerly boundary line of Oklahoma Avenue in the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, to the southeasterly corner of what was formerly Block 7, in <br />South Park Addition (now vacated) running thence Northerly along and upon the <br />Westerly boundary line of Lincoln Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />to a point 140 feet southeasterly of the Northeasterly corner of Block Fifteen (15), <br />in Windolph's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, running thence <br />Westeity parallel with the southerly boundary line of Anna Street in the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, to the place of beginning, excepting therefrom, however, <br />that part thereof conveyed to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by deed recorded <br />in Book 72, at Page 115, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and part <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE-41) of Section Twenty -one (21), in Township Eleven (11), <br />North. Range Nine (9), West of the Sixth P.M., more particularly described as <br />Sollows, to -wit: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of what was formerly block <br />Nine (9) of South Hrk Addition, now vacated, (specific reference being had to the <br />recorded Plat thereof) running thence in an Easterly direction, along and upon the <br />Northerly Boundary line of Phoenix Avenue, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />as now located, to the Southeasterly corner of what was formerly Block Ten (10) in <br />said South Park Addition, running thence in a Northerly direction along and upon <br />the Westerly boundary line of Lincoln Street, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />as now located, to the Northeasterly corner of said Block 10, formerly South Park <br />Addition, running thence in a Westerly direction along and upon the Southerly <br />boundary line of Oklahoma Avenue, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as now <br />located, to the Northwesterly Corner of what was formeiiy Block 9, in said South <br />Park Addition, running thence in a Southerly direction, along and upon the Easterly <br />Boundary line of Adams Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as now lo- <br />cated, to the place of beginning, excepting therefrom that part thereof conveyed to <br />the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, by Deed recorded in Book 68, <br />at Page 621, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, also excepting there- <br />from the Right -of -Way of the Chicago, Burlington & QuirnyRailroad (formerly <br />Grand Island and Wyoming Central Railroad ), and also excepting therefrom that <br />part thereof conveyed to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by Deed recorded in <br />Book 72, at Page 115, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and further <br />excepting therefrom that part taken by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by <br />Ordinance recorded in Book "Q ", at Page 401 of Miscellaneous Records in the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, except a tract previously <br />deeded to the City of Grand Island described as follows: All of that'part of original <br />Block Nine (9), South Park, (now vacated) in the Northeast Quarter (NE-X"') of Section <br />Twenty -one (21), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., <br />more particularly, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly <br />boundary of original Block Nine (9), South Park, (now vacated) which is 160 feet <br />easterly from the Southwesterly corner thereof running thence easterly along the <br />southerly line of said original Block Nine (9), (now vacated), 104 feet to the south- <br />Exhibit A <br />