119 LEASE -The HIIM mi General Supply House, Lincoln, Neb ;. .i
<br />THIS INDENTURE, Made this day of , zg ' , between ,
<br />`.
<br />Apt
<br />owes A , WILLI S , part, of the first part; hereinafter referred to as lessor, and
<br />P
<br />• , part of the second part hereinafter referred to as lessee.
<br />1 HCa.
<br />Z�elessor, in considerationof the covenants of ,the said lessee, hereinafter set forth, do or s by these presents lease to the said lessee, the following described property, to -wit: $.
<br />s
<br />located at $21 West Ath Atreet_
<br />Grand Island, Xabraaka,.
<br />In Fractional Lot 4 in fraotioual block one hundred twenty two 41221
<br />Union Pacifia Railways Gompan es. Second Addition t 0.t
<br />1014 , Nebraidta as,t .% :- , ©f xa d t L
<br />+�p+eaett; ,:tl �raata>cal:
<br />Block Se' e' 'Utosh (171*, iA 1L 0. t UAi Addition to •tha . �it�r of ►rs�snd
<br />I81and, Neebraeka, 'Weed redord0A Book 125` Page,, 606_.,' ,Zr& April 1953 ),
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said lessee from the &d day of
<br />g
<br />zy to the s�i88 ii&Got be, z
<br />And the said lessee, in consideration o f the easing o t e premises as a ove set forth, covenants, and agrees tenth
<br />the lessor, to pay the said lessor as rent for the same the sum of
<br />payable as follows, to -wit:
<br />In lieu of rent paid monthly the following payments are to be made
<br />by second party*
<br />Pay all federal, State, County, and City Tares and assessments.
<br />Pay premiums on insurance to the Farmers Mutual. Insauranae Company
<br />which policy Is now in force.
<br />It is further agreed by and between the partie's<, since party of
<br />the first part lives in Salem Oregon, that party of the second part
<br />ispr appointed to act as agen,4 for -party of the thrset part in the handling
<br />of noeeseary repair and maintanenee of said property.. All of which
<br />repair ana maintenanue- acs ordered is to bo -paid 'by party of the se
<br />parts
<br />This agreement is can a year to year basis, sub j`eet to renewal, without
<br />further written agreement on the part of either party for as long as
<br />party of second part shall desire to occupy said prewksea. �
<br />The said lessee further covenants with the said lessor, that at the expiration of the time mentioned in this lease,
<br />peaceable possession of said premises shall be given to the said lessor, in as good condition as they now are, the usual' ,
<br />wear, inevitable accidents and loss by fire excepted; and that upon the non - payment of the, whole or any portion of
<br />the said rent at the time when the same is above promised to be paid, the said lessor may at his, her, their or its
<br />election either distrain for said rent due, or declare this lease at an end and recover possession as if the same was
<br />held by forcible detainer; the said lessee hereby waiving any notice of such election or any demand for the possession
<br />of the said premises.
<br />AND IT IS FURTHER COVENANTED AND AGREED between the parties aforesaid
<br />The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors and administrators of the parties
<br />to this lease.
<br />Witness the hands and seals of the parties aforesaid.
<br />r. -5 - -- - - - - -- ..SEAL
<br />-f :Z ,— - V - - - - -• --------- - - - - -- -SEAL
<br />• - - - - -- --------- •----- - - - - -• -- ---------------------------------- SEAL
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