<br />_
<br />An nrdinpance -to vacate a .portion of the :Plat of Scudder's
<br />Second ddition to..the Village of Doniphan, Nebraska, and to repeal--
<br />a11 Ordiapnces in `conflict herewith.
<br />i'3 -} Ln T'J Cif' ; Lll 1 dlYl:, ,A,_LL COVZTt 1,- 11M— RA.JKAj
<br />Section 1. Whereas William Chester Scudder, owner of Lots
<br />Eighteen (18) to Twenty-nine (2 ), inclusive, in Scudderts Second
<br />7 0 c!i tion. "o he Village of Dons_phan, Nebraska:, req?;ested that
<br />s^ )_t, lots be v,,,cated ^nd it appenring that said lots akn!1 ab� tti<ng
<br />streets -re now used exclusively for a mricultrra.l purposes and --.re
<br />not iir ^n,, proper sense a. part of said Village and we deem it advatn-
<br />taaeon.s a -nd. hest for the interests of the Village to vacate said
<br />- plat, now, t- herefore,
<br />Section 2. Lots Eighteen (18) to Twenty -nine (29), inch:-
<br />s Lve, i .pct dderts Second .^ddition to tine Villa me of Doniphan,
<br />e' r ^skP are ; erebv w' ^olly and entirely vacated and the streets
<br />^b?_tt i ~ -k- qe saute sh ^ll revert to the owner or owners of lots and
<br />1. ?cls �b -tiny the sar..xe in proportion to the respective ownerships
<br />of s,7ci'' lots or l:?-nds. The area vacated, -with abutting streets
<br />affected, is described ?.s
<br />C �?`i-:e'"='. ^_", nt +-F'_e sorth•..Test corner of' Lot went`+' -nine (29) 1'?
<br />Sc.-dderts Second Addition to the Village of Doniphnn, Hall
<br />Cou ty, , ebrask^, thence northerly a.long the west bour_dary
<br />line of sal-id Lot Twenty -nine (29) and continuing in a stra -1-1-
<br />_io_ ^therly lime, extended, fro._ t1lle northwest corner of said lot
<br />t'irot art a?d across t.Fxe street abztting the north side of
<br />S,iid 3cudderts Second Addition to the north bol:ndary lime of
<br />s. . street, bein�• <;edar Street; thence ^t right an, -^les in an
<br />e?st.erl_y direction. a?nd. aloe - the north boundar y line of sPJ_d
<br />street-, being also t,Ee nort'la corporate bo ?'nd^ry line of ti.e
<br />1 -j -i-its of the Vi lla-e of Donip -- an at this point, - wrid., c07.ti�1?'-
<br />it12 to the northeast corner of t, - - -.e corporate li; f_ts of said
<br />rill ^, e, being the inort')ePst corner of the intersection of s?1et
<br />S(,Oeet with. Sot t n Street thence in a so?-tberly direction glom,
<br />upon t'`-e east k-_ou da.ry life of Sout r Street, bei :g also the
<br />o-r,orate o,, nd^ry lime of said tillage to a point directly east
<br />o. e so _ti- li -ne of Lots Eim'. -teen (18) to Twenty - : °.ine (29),
<br />tl,..e?nce sJ °St, --cross 8 ° ?d throv,gh South Street and co-,
<br />4 4 i:�g a10 ~tM a:nc? i;pon t -'-:e south line of ssid Lots Eig ?teen (1€:,')
<br />oT,7e:, ��y -:? e (2t) of Sc crderts Second Addition, and being the
<br />-ortlP line of the alley abL_ttin -: this addition, to the point
<br />:Section S. 11 ordinances and parts of" ordinances in cov?-
<br />fli l erewit_h small -be ^_nd the smile 1-ereby are repealed.
<br />Section 4. ,;is ordinance shall be in force from and after
<br />its rasa e, approval any! pt --bliea.tion as required by lq w.
<br />1.t
<br />_GSar _'v7 rlZ
<br />Ch2irfi /I .soard of Trustees
<br />