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ORDINANOR NO. 3294 <br />An Ordinanee ob&nging the am* of Sixth Avenue of the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Faidley Aveswee <br />WHEREAS, Lloyd He !,,aidley, deceased, late of the City of <br />Grand Island, in his Last Will and Testament bequeathed the sm <br />of 4,200 +000.00 for the construction of a children's hospital, <br />and <br />WhMEAS, the new Iut«sran Memorial Hospital is now under eon„ <br />struction, and one part of said hospital will be the children's <br />wing in compliance with the request of the said Lloyd He Faidley, <br />and <br />Yft.i AS, Ernest We Augustine, James S. Chubb and Donald Be <br />Weaver# trustees named in the estate of the said Lloyd H. Faidley, <br />have requested the City Council to change the name of Sixth Avenue <br />to Faidley Avenue in memory of Lloyd He Faidley, <br />NOW# 11ER.6,70RE, B.] IT :ORDA PIED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF <br />TI iC; CITi :F GRA. "'D ISLtiI'!D, �:�; ;Fir►S:iE,t <br />SECTIJN 1. That from and after the taking effect of this <br />ordinance Sixty Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />lying between 'e.,hite Street and Carey Street, shall be known and <br />designated as Faidley Avetsuee <br />SLG1':ON 2. That the City vnginber be, and he is hereby author- <br />ized and directed to show the change of tLe name of said street <br />on the official map of the City of Grand Island, and erect such <br />street signs and markers as may be required to properly identify <br />said street. <br />OIXTICiN 3. That t11.e City Clerk be, and he is aereby directed <br />to forward a certified copy of this ordinance to the Chief of <br />Police, L-he Lcaief of the Fire Department, 'Aie Co- mmissioner of <br />Utilities, Jae i.ity :engineer, the Postmaster and the trustees of <br />tUe Lloyd = ;. aidley estate, and that a copy of the same be filed <br />for record in the office of the He -aster of Deeds of Hall County, <br /><,e bra ska . <br />SECT-1-ON 49 his ordinance shall be in force and take effect <br />.�,Z/ <br />