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Church of the Nazarene <br />'H =Mg HA mom I NEBRASKA <br />SivnhAw&W <br />e03 . N*A SO 196 L--.- , DISTRICT <br />IHASTWOS, NEBRASKA <br />Augunk 44, 19577 <br />TO Ste. L. M Sahwans, Paskorb. <br />and Umbers of the dhureb of <br />thb Nktarene of 'Gyad Island, . <br />Nebraska.v <br />This it to certify that I, Whitcomb Hording, Distriet <br />Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene for the I%bmska DisSrict; <br />which inoiud4s the Church of the Iliâ–ºzarene of Opwid Islas. Nebraska,, do <br />hereby give, in writ inW spy permission,. authorisatiorq. consent and approval <br />for the call by the Paetbr,. PAW, L. d. Achwans,. of a special meeting <br />to be held it the Church of the 1Rsarene of Grand Island, Nbbfgska, on <br />Sunday, Augpt 25, lye , at 1100 00 o' bloek, . A.M.,. for the purpose of <br />voting on thi sale of the property received by said Church from the - <br />Estate of Annii Nelly, deceased,.Mhieb property is located at 414 North <br />Cedar 8treet4._in Grand Island, Nebraska, and which property is described <br />as follows, namely: <br />The Southerly Fifty -six (56) feet of Lot One <br />(1), in Block Thirty -fire ("), in the Original <br />Town,. now City, of Grand Island, . Nebraska; <br />the prospective purchasers being Oliver M. Anderea and Mabel M. Andersew <br />husband and wife, and the proposed sale price being the p"me stn of <br />$5,200.00. <br />I further dertif'y that I do hereby give,. in writing, vW <br />permission, suthoris+atioY4 consent and approval for the sale of the above <br />described real estate to the said purchasers kt the above prioe by the <br />said Chl.:rch of the Nazarene of Grand Ieiand, Nebraska. <br />i <br />District Superintendent, <br />Nebraska District, <br />Ohureh of the lftzarene. <br />