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AGREEMENT FOR EASEMNT <br />THIS INDENTUM, grade this 31st day of December, <br />1954, by and between A.C. PAULICK, a widower, of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, Party of the First Part, and XXXMG G. L. Evans <br />, of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, Party.. of the Second Part. <br />,gHEREAS, the Party of the First Part is the o4rner <br />of the property described as the East Half (E--) of Lot Six <br />(6), Block Seven (7), College Addition to West Lajm, an Add- <br />ition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and the Parties of the Second Part have purchased the property <br />0_eccribed as the ;''est Half (W ) of the South Eight Feet (SQ1) <br />of Lot Four )LI) and the T, -Test Half (fir) of Lot Six (6), Bloc'_-_ <br />Seven (7) , College !addition to 1.,!est Lpwn, an Addition to the <br />of ^ s? <br />-ram. I,,la_n("., 1-1^11 County, Nebraska, rnd <br />:'?IE'REAS, the house located on the -Property purchased <br />by the Second Pn..rtie s is not presently connected i­�ith the <br />_,Pin sewer runin ° in the alley to the `aat of said described <br />n "o'•�e,rt7i anc:. the. Second P nrtiP c c_e sirous of ta-ppi ng onto <br />t-_e riain sei-,Pr frori their nropert,, and are further desirous <br />of e. ^.iC_ sewer throe -h and across the pro_oerty belong; <br />-- r, to the First rnrty above de �lcribF d. <br />%'O " :; T ER'.FCRAJ, in considf ration of the sum of One <br />Dollar an(l.. other valuable consi.deretion pai<'. D "._ the Parties <br />of the Se. conC Pa.a ty to The Party of the First Part, race+ pt <br />of w-,ich is hereby acknowledged, the Party of the First Part <br />,op= h(-- reby sell and, grant the Second. Parties the right to <br />enter upon his ,)ro-,)erty as described for the purpose of 1= .;;,4Lng <br />sei -,-er from the i ^ain sewer in the P-7-ley of said -oro' -Testy <br />^,cross 7nr. to the house on '-he bel.oning to the <br />Seconc. Parties, .bo�,e described, further selling and rantin::• <br />onto the Second Parties the right to no all things necessary <br />