<br />E A S E !_1 E L 1
<br />THTS AG R 71TH :IT , IT made and entered into this /
<br />da.), 01' 1U,735
<br />by and betwee--i ,jilliwii Chester Scudder and jean Scudder, his wifo, of
<br />�',acramento, California, 'ant es of the First Part, and the Villag-0 of
<br />j)o-niphm, :`all Count.,.-, -.-e-oraska, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH:
<br />That for and in coasid-ravion of the ' si:.ri. of Une Dollar and other
<br />�Ooa WM sufficient consideration, G- of is hereby
<br />1
<br />a,-,I�nowledgod, the Ilarties 0� th- 1,rsi Part ha%
<br />thest-� presents do ,5r aiA aa eaS'---:!2iA �1-1!" right of 3-10luoi:1
<br />rip',Int to -enter upon the realestate, ;-,,:reinafter describe,--, whenever
<br />necessary to constru-ct, mai-i-atain a--r^ repair an underground sewer lint'
<br />--ross tte
<br />for the pilrpose Of coiiveyjn�� through such lines and ac.
<br />real estate Inere-J--naipter jese-,--*-Ibed, ,Ogotlier with the rjg:11-1, to 0-mcavate
<br />1 -
<br />airl refill. d - tches for the p:I_pe, such eas'ameni_ rt,
<br />� a for so
<br />long in the Village Of Intalas a se-,,ver 0-i-sposal 321RIA, Mell"14,'
<br />_p .:aJ
<br />aerator, pur--ip house and settliag MA, cm, LOtS1S= of the pramises herein-
<br />describet-1.
<br />Tii(-- 11and. p_ffected. by ,a*q' -is ease,---'Ient (jf way
<br />-he colult s
<br />j s 1( in .,all County, a�qd on a portion of Y
<br />jeated i .LT
<br />alvislon of part of' the South Half 010 of Se t! "" (5), TownshiP
<br />-ine Q) North, Range Nine (9), Wns� Of the :nth 1%11., a3q,3+ speed'cica-Tly
<br />described as follows: at a point ten feet (:�aSU WI(I
<br />sixty.seven Met north of Tyls AdditioA to the, A'J-llar, Of
<br />at; the point of beg inn in; and r1mijing thence nart'a para2lel wilLI-i
<br />' "Ilquy 70111t cy We! to a point two lumprecl
<br />j+. j 0 s a pli a:f I (i qr mi i d 1 s I an, d
<br />eighty-five .9-nd five tent 'Ls feet south; of he SCt:tI','
<br />Lot Six (0) of said coxmity subdivision, and tbe,'-1-3e
<br />twenty feet, thence so5l0to tqq point «A 11: iqould be tonvAy fact
<br />east of the point of beginning, and theaec' in a (1--irection
<br />twenty feet to the Point Of bygilmlirig; it bein�° further --nderstoo(I that
<br />there will be no manholes play.ed oil tzli_s strip co;iveye(': for easmnent
<br />purposes, or any other obstructions plaC,-'d tliereoi-a will, initerfc-.'re
<br />with the normial fari'.-iiag ianC, ero-ss'd 'L,y tl-jls linn Wid that tlm�
<br />Miage of Doniplial" will rchnburM-, the 'g-oantors U-id -possessl 11
<br />dl,,v'.,a,-�,� done to crops A em'11000011 Nth t'Lf-, 'of qu.n1l;
<br />sawor line.
<br />insofar as tho grmtors herch" being the Pansies or tile First.
<br />m-
<br />pt, also save an interest in tl)f-: "if'scribedl thf-,.,
<br />i }ii col --Ive`r -,-o the Village an 'Lhe
<br />wonstruction and nor 0�- ')J*
<br />a--,-ross ti -1
<br />L
<br />desiribed as follows: aummencin�7 att 0 a
<br />Int 700! (5), Block Moven (11), village Cc MnIPAWO TMI MPAO'
<br />nbraska, and exten(lin.'° in WI Easterly ArInUml ti" Ua AMMOF'! nomerr
<br />o.f' of (q), qQ21, Twelve (12), A411ane ov mmip t Ummn in a
<br />'-:rtherly l 01rentioll Michity AM, foence in a westm-ly 01"7:1 all llarallw'.
<br />t1jenim-01i Aue of Ho o]: Twelve (12)
<br />�iicmce Q
<br />LI AnID Ann of 1,01. (10) C0101ty
<br />'irectim to the
<br />Subdivision ol' tht. SmAli Eall' of S2ctioa 1vive (71), Tomiship Ann
<br />:,ortla, 'Pange Une (13), West of t1le i�tjl IrIal-I Cou.nty, '.Wobraska,,
<br />thence J-11 a Wasterly direction twenty feet, thence in a Southerly
<br />oLrection to a point twenty feet north of the �,-,orth I-Line of Block Twe-,--,-�e
<br />(12), of the Village Of -:,Ih(.nce in a Westerly direction to the
<br />nast lim oC the Ivilliala ;" Burger Addition to lf. VjJla:!'f, 01,
<br />a somul line twenty fe't to, t-e point of i),
<br />TO 1i i'E rii ii O 41,7; easezliaenL and rig-
<br />jft of way unto t1i,
<br />