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20— PURCHASE AGREEMENT —Real Estate (Revised) <br />The Huffman General 8npply House, Lincoln, Nebr. <br />To Flower -Evans Company, Grand Island, Nebraska June 10 19 57 <br />Between William J. Pabian and Ruth A. Pabian !i <br />d nyearFii� ed'herreeiy dgree o �'urchalsr tin'a Lee Bar s ' parties of the first part <br />e property hereznalter des ?,%eztio 'wi #,of the second part <br />Property is to include all buildings tiow there, all permanent fixt�zres, Tair I' <br />ing, fences, plumbing, heating equipment, antenna pole. t1 �! <br />ject to the purchasers having the abstract examined and <br />p This llr.� delo is �' g <br />a merchantable title subject to the contract as mentioned she sellers del' <br />t ve riig <br />deed is to be placed in escrow with the CommercialVatoalrBank ,randmIkgl'7A <br />Nebraska by the sellers William J. Pabian and Ruth <br />and Vir-,inia. Lee m A, Pabian to Ear <br />t- 3Ar es, his contract is subject to a first mort ale Patavne <br />Commercial Na 1ona1 lank and. the nav�rPnt.�; <br />- received by hei <br />(Continued from first paragraph) <br />are to be paid to the -Bank on this mortgage. Present insurance <br />Policy to be transferred without cnarge. This policy runs until <br />September 8, 1960 in the amount of x,,4,;00.00. It is understood that the <br />present contract is to have an assignment complete on the back of the <br />contract to the purchasers to be signed by all pa.rti_es concerned and <br />acknowledged. <br />Part of the Northeast , �1 Legal <br />Quarter i ^.r 4) o.f Section Two (2) in Town - shl.p B11�Taen <br />(11), North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.m., more particularly des- <br />cribed as follows: com,,encina at a point 33 feet west of a point where <br />the north right of way line of the C.B, & ,.R.Ca., intersects the east <br />line of said Section 2, runninir thence north, parallel with tt:e east line <br />of said section, for a distance of 315 fee-, running t hence west for a <br />distance of 392.0 feet, running,. thence south. for a distance of 206 feet <br />to a point on the north right of way line of the C,B, ;Q �.�,Ko Co., and <br />running thence in a southeasterly direction, along and upon the northerly <br />right of way line o.f said C.B. x R •_ R Co. to the place o f . <br />,. beginning. <br />• fee simple and will agree to furnish abstract of title doa-w to date of sale, and <br />contract sale deed in escrow, until the property is paid in f4l <br />The undersigned agree to pay for same,($6,243.00 ) Six Thousand Two Hundred and Forty 'I <br />Three& No% 100 ------------------------------------------------------- Dollars <br />, <br />on the following terms, to -wit: Down payment 41,500.00. 4500.00 down today and 41,000,04 <br />balance due on the down payment to be paid on possession date of July 1, 1957', <br />It is understood by both parties that there is a contract sale on this properlty <br />between Dale Kahler and William J. Pabian dated the lst day of September, 195. <br />The purchasers have paid on the balance which amountedto 45,500.00 as of <br />September 1, 1955 and have reduced this balance to 44,73.00 as of July 1,1957, <br />this being the balance trat the purchasers are assuming; and the balance that the <br />fief _ers are tra_1c.ferrinr, Tt is understood and sa,-reed "hut the pa °I;T1ents are <br />60.00 per month and the spu chasers E :rl _i'. Barnes and virgr,in,ia Lee Barnes agree <br />to make the f:i.rst payment J-11'g 15, 1957, and each pay rient from then on on the <br />15th of the month until the full is paid in :full, With- the option of <br />paving any amount at any tirie on. the unpaid balance, the interest to be co ,,nputed <br />j on the unpaid balance for each six -month period, Yee or t_ °r'tict baa_�x.ce of <br />to ti J1, 3r 3 : <br />�i .�.. ..7..� 1 . <br />I <br />All taxes for all prior years and including zq 56 , and any special assessments to become due or delinquent before <br />this offer is accepted shall be paid by seller <br />Current taxes shall be paid as follows: 1956 and all prior years taxes are to be paid by <br />ii the seller, William J. Pabian, <br />Said property to be delivered free and clear of all encumbrances, except as hereinobove otherwise stated. ' <br />If this proposition is accepted on or before the see above day of 19 <br />the undersigned agree to close said purchase in accordance herev¢ith and give, possession on or before, <br />days after abstract of title has been furnished for examination. The undersigned agree to furnish the seller a written <br />legal opinion sho -wing defects, if any, in the title to the above described property. Rents, if any, are to be adjusted on <br />and as of the day of closing. Sub ject to a first mortgage at the Com, National B'anl <br />Title to said property to be taken in name or names, of: Earl Fe Barnes & Virginia Lee <br />Barnes <br />